Is this normal for my leather?


Active Member
Got my new toadstool (first coral) from SWF Thursday, put it in the tank w/a few polyps open. Friday morning it was starting to stand up and it looked like everything was open. Came home from work yesterday and everything was closed up. This morning, it's open again.
Is it just getting used to my tank? (55gal w/nova extreme pro vho) is there too much lighting for it? I have the lights running from 10 am to 7:30 pm. It is on the bottom of the tank.


Active Member
it's most likely getting used to the tank. toadstool in general likes medium flow and light. ur t5 isnt too much might at all.


I've had mine for 3 weeks now and it's doing the same thing. Some days open and then for a day or so it's closed or partially closed. I'd let it adjust on it's own.


yes I agree, do not move the toadstool it will take a while to adjust to new conditions. Very touch coral imo, yet on most sites including this one it is a great starter coral.


I've had my devil's hand for 2 months now and every morning Its laying on its side. im wondering if this is a normal daily cycle?
Does anyone know what they eat??
every 2 days I put Strontium, trace minerals, chromaplex, Iodide.
Should i be using anything else for this fella ??


Active Member
Got home from work today and the polyps are all open so it seems to be acclimating to my tank
Still on it's side, but it's not dead and that's good!


I gave up on additives, for one it gets expensive and you have to test before you add. I just started doing regular water changes and I can't believe the difference in the appearance of my corals. Water changes give your corals all the trace elements they need. The only thing I add is microvert sparingly. Of course others will disagree, but this works the best for my system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Condyman
I've had my devil's hand for 2 months now and every morning Its laying on its side. im wondering if this is a normal daily cycle?
Does anyone know what they eat??
every 2 days I put Strontium, trace minerals, chromaplex, Iodide.
Should i be using anything else for this fella ??
Looks like its trying to shed...Give it tons of flow to help the slime come off..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Condyman
How often do they shead?? It did the same thing 2 weeks ago
PM sent..
My toadstool is kinda like that..Once you find it a place it likes it will stand up and open all the way and grow like a weed..I have mine in the top 3" of my tank right under a 250watt MH..


I've moved him 4 times already, this is one picky MOFO
he better like it there. Hes approx 4" from the top of the water (196W light)