is this normal


ok I have 2 false percs with 30 lbs of LR. in my rock work I have 4 caves and a few ledges and over hangs for my clowns. they have paired up finally and they both just sleep in the sand close to the filter intake in the back of the tank. its kind of frustrating because i spent alot of time on the aquascape because people said clowns like to live in caves but they sleep in the sand. the only other tank mates are a royal gramma which i added on sunday and a strawberry crab 4 hermits and 4 snails in a 29g


Active Member
Its perfectly normal. Fish will sleep where they feel safe. Clowns may pick a spot away from shrimp or crabs that may seek them out while they are sleeping. My falses would sleep at the top of the tank too right near my intake for my filter.


yeah but they sleep on the sand and my crab does lots of roaming by them i can tell from the little indents in the sand. but last night i found them sleeping between the heater and the glass because my temp dipped too low