Is this normal?


hmm, noticed this is this normal for an anemone? He placed himself in between these two rocks yesterday, and has stayed. In the picture he has two tenticals hanging out. Now he is completely inside... normal or is something wrong?


Originally Posted by MissNano
Inside the foot??? I know they shrivel sometimes, but usually you see the tentacles
I would watch it not try to move it....let it find its own place....and if it starts to look it is melting get it out


will do! Right now its just completely inside. Not sure ... i havent tried to move it, i have been letting it do its thing. I will keep you guys posted Thanks for your reply :)


k, i think i figured out the problem, My heater went out and my temp is like 69... i am headed out now to get one. so in the mean time i put him up closer to the light, he came out.. and looks like this now..will it be ok? I live pretty far from town so it will be awhile...



yeah, just my luck we are having a snow storm and my heater goes out.. it is trying to work.. but its not keeping the temp its says its suppose to.. suppose to be 80 its like 69 in my tank according to my little thermometer.


Well it doesn't look looks stressed. They also look like that when they expell waste
my guess since it is new, is stress...and it's cold....LOL


as for my clean up clew, i have a fire shrimp, 3 turbo snails, 1 hermit crab, and 2 nassarius snails.
My anemone, flipped himself over earlier, not sure why he did this, he still had his tentacles out. I flipped him back over see what happends.. Noticed some digested food ( i gave him half a silver side last night) where he had flipped over on the sand.. Normal?


He flipped over upside down? NO, that is not normal. If it moves, flips, etc....try not to bother it....I wouldn;t feed it at all right now....I think it is still stressed. AND you should never feed an anemone unless all tentacles are fully out
do you have an updated pic?


When i fed him last night he was fully out and extended, The second pic is of him last night before i fed him. Then in the middle of the night he moved off that rock, he was still fully out till like an hour ago he slowly flipped over, not sure if he did this on purpose or accident. SO i waited and he still was not doing anything so i flipped him up right and moved him over on a rock... the first pic.. guess i shouldnt have moved him... oops just didnt think i should leave him upside down, didnt know if he could get back up if he wanted too



The 2nd pic actually looked ok...I sstill would not feed for a little while
A healthy anemone should be able to flip itself back the right way....It is trying to find a spot I guess
Is it under the pc's???