Is this normal??


I was at my lfs today and saw a Koran angel about 1 1/2 inches in length, beautiful coloring of course. I was wondering if it is normal for this fish to occasionaly tilt somewhat sideways and then swim, or is this a sign of "bad news". He seemed perky enough and somewhat lively and colorful. Just sometimes that whole semi sideways thing would happen.
Any thoughts???


New Member
thats pretty normal
I've seen juv Emperor do it before. As long as its active, bright, feeding, and clean then its a good fish. For the most part at least...


Yes it is normal...All the angelfish I have (Koran, Emperor, Flame, Coral Beauty, and Maculosus) They all do this when picking at live rock, they turn completely sideways sometimes...kind of like they are looking at something.


whew...thanks a lot everyone. I was feeling kind of sad for the poor thing but I am glad all is normal. :D