Is this nudibranch reef safe?



This is what it looks like to me. cut and paste
Purple Nudibranch - Chromodoris species
The Purple Nudibranch may grow to 3 inches. Carnivore. The Chromodoris species is generally peaceful toward other tankmates. Reef-safe. Many consider the Chromodoris species a high-maintenance specimen. Venomous, secretes Hydrozoan Nematocysts.Requires expert reef keeping skills Considering their small size, often bizarre body shapes and dazzling coloration, it's no wonder nudibranchs are often unidentified by divers, aquarists and tide-poolers for what they are; marine snails that lack shells, just like their lowly terrestrial cousins found sliming around under rotting wood and vegetation. But most of us emote "oohs" and "aahhs" rather than "yecch" when we view these "butterflies of the sea". Unfortunately, few efforts at keeping them in captivity have been successful. Many failures, as you'll see, are aquarist-originated; chemical poisoning, unstable conditions, and most importantly, starvation. Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).


Active Member
no mention of what they eat?
sponges, Yes I had one for 6+months
wiped out some of my sponges, this one is not considered very toxic, if you have it more than 6 months , you are doing very well