Is this ok


my new anemone that i got today has shrunk and it looks closed. I just got it today so it might just not be used to things yet or i think it could be because it's late and it's going to sleep. At the LFS that i got it at, its light would be off by now because they are closed after 8:00 so is this normal for when it wants to sleep?


Active Member
I would wait until tomorrow. When I bring new corals home, they do not always open up right away. Also what kind of lights do you have? i thought that anenomies needed alot of light? I would post this in the reef section of this board.


Well it could be used to LFS lighting and if there lights went off at about 7 or 8 pm the that could be one reason, also acclimation shock or acclimation adjustment, lighting adjustment, water conditions adjustment.
Give him a day or so, post your lighting specs.


two 65 watt lights. i think there 50/50 and the pet store told me that wasn't great for the anemone but i should just watch it and make sure it stays ok


Well then it will be an adjustment for him, which kind of anemone did you get? E. Quadracolor?


A Sebae Anemone is one of the hardest anemones to keep... Especially, if it's already bleached when you get it. They also require VERY STRONG lighting.:yes:


Active Member
You probably need to double your light. A white anemone is the sign of a sick anemone because of lack of lighting. It will probably do ok for about a week then start to die unless you add more light. If you can't get more light in this time you might want to consider taking it back to the LFS until you get more. Maybe with a refund you can get enough money to pay for the lighting you'll need.


Hi Hidden, I've seen a few of the posts about your considering an anenome. Since your anticipation got the better of you, here's my own experience!
We too got a condi for our ocellaris, they wouldnt touch it! went to LFS asked questions on lighting and had to upgrade so we now have a coralifePC 98w x 4 50/50 plus dual acetic/blue bulbs @ like 10k (?) it's adequate for the Curlie Q's and the condi, But the White haitian sebae we purchased has been attached to the glass at the very top of the tank like he's begging for the energy from the light! The Ocellaris have taken to him and he's hanging in there, but he is still white after almost 6 mos. I know thats not a good sign! We're hoping he gets healthy
I wish we would have waited for the better lighting, before the anenomes.
Good luck


Active Member
I got my perc to take my LTA even though they don't sometimes. I took the advice of my LFS and acclimated the clown in the same bag as the anemone. After they spent a few hours together I released them into the tank. The clown adopted the anemone about a day later.
Nevermind. I read the past posts where you asked if you should get one...Im def not going to get into THAT one.... Hope it starts to perk up. I will say this. I have a 72g tank, which the bigger the tank the more stable the water conditions, and its been 6-8 weeks outta cycle and I still only have a cleaning crew and two percs in it. After adding just those two percs its puts a small strain on your bioload until it grows to compensate for them. You added five... I know your excited and you want to get all the neat me. I have had to hold myself back many many times from buying things I shouldnt, such as a bubble tip. Slow down and enjoy the process. Your going to rush through and set yourself back alot more than if you would have taken things slow. The rule of thumb I have heard is at least 3 weeks between the addition of 2 fish or corals. The lighting issue is a BIG thing with Anemone also. Im running two 150w de HQI.