Is this ok?


I'm looking into the oceansmotions squirt or 4-way system on my 90 Gallon AGA Tank. I want to do a double return on the overflow into the sump and run the oceansmotions off of the little giant 770 gph pump. I'm aiming for 20x turnover so what should I do? Replace the little giant with a bigger pump? I'm going to need 1800 gph to achieve 20x.
Also What about the protein skimmer? They need a pump to function alone right? I can use the 770 gph pump on the protein skimmer and buy a bigger pump for the return. Am I thinking this through? I'm doing alot of research but it helps when I actually talk to somebody.


If I remember right you pn;y need 8-12x for the return pump. If you are looking for more current in your tank use more power heads. 20x might be to high. On the skimmer question it all depends on the skimmer you have. I'm useing a 900 gph on my venturi skimmer for my 75. As for my return pump I'm useing a 750 gph and it has some movement but I also use 3 power heads and getting ready to add one more.


Active Member
Your return from the sump will be "limited" to what your overflow can "take out"....But you can "supplement and add flow with powerheads and/or a Closed Loop system...
"I" think (JMHO) that 10X is "minimal" for FO...and 20X should be a "Goal" for reef...with Many people now pushing 30 X in their tanks and having good/better results...:yes:
The second concern about the skimmer is , that they generally run in a certain "range" of flow...will a 700gph pump be too big/small/just right for your skimmer...?? (or does it need a "needle wheel" pump instead...??)


would it be better to run the second return line from the overflow directly into the sump or directly into the protein skimmer. I know how protien skimmers work and all but I've never seen one plumbed on a tank. If I ran a second pump within a closed loop system where would the intake on the pump be pulling the water from? No Drilling either!