Is this ok


WEll i have had a outbreak of ick, has taken down a powder blue tang and a bi color blenny. It looked like my false perc had some so i was able to get him out and put him in a qt tank. I do have a purple tang that has some on him as well, i have been treating the water with 100% organic stuff so that my inverts will be ok. IT seems to somwhat be working on my purple tang white spots are not as bad on him as before. Im going to keep treating the water, now after 4-6 weeks if everything is still living and no white spots does this mean the ick is gone? Or is it kind of a hit and miss thing that you really need to get all the fish out of the main tank to get rid of it. My Maroon clown and diamond goby seem to be perfectly fine no spots or anything on them.

bang guy

What was stressing out the fish to cause the Ick outbreak in the first place? Have you solved that problem yet?


I think, but not sure is that i had my purple tang and made a bad and wrong decision to get a Powder blue Tang. THe purple was trying to establish dominance over the powder blue and i think they stressed themselves to much. THe blue only lasted a week, looking back i know i made a mistake in trying to keep both in my tank so as long as the purple survives he will be the only tang i have in there. My false perc. seems to be doing very well in my qt tank. The only ich i see now is on the purple, my qt tank is only 10g so even if i did catch the purple i was thinking it wouldnt be very comfortable for him in such a small tank.

bang guy

I think you're right. The Purple should be able to easily combat the Ick now that the major stress is gone. I wouldn't try 2 Tangs in a 4' tank.