Is this okay?


Okay here's my plan. I want to get a 30 gal tank. I was going to have a skimmer (if you could recommened a skimmer for my size tank that'd be great), a heater, an aqua breed 1000 (to breed brine), two or one max jet power heads, 45 lb. of lr and 30 lb. of ls, a maiden's hair plant, 10 eletric blue hermitcrabs, 2 blue/green reef chromis, a bicolor angelfish, 2 or 3 marginated damselfish, and hopefully 2 green, and a cleaner shrimp. I heard mandarins will eat brine so I hope they will. If there is anything I missed or you have suggestion I would love to hear them. Also I heard you CAN'T you tap water for your aquarium (after adding salt of course) is this true and if so what type of water should I use. And finally if there are any specific foods for a fish I would prefer to have that you would recommened please inform me. Thanks again for reading my ramblings.
I know of the 1" per 5 gallon rule but I heard you can bend it but I hope my plan won't break it.


Also the effects of Tap water long term is NO GOOD. You should use RO water most Fish stores sell it for about 50 cents a gallon or you could buy a RO filter and filter your tap water and make your own water


Not to be a major newb but what does "RO" mean? And where would you purchase one (Wal*mart, etc.). Thanks for the reply.


Walmart sells the water. But for the RO unit you would have to buy it at your local fish store or ---- or maybe off


I have been using tap water for a long time and although it is not the preferred method, it can work... you must treat the water though!!!


Active Member
It really doesnt make sense if you intend on doing this hobby for a long duration. Bite the bullet and check around for a ro/di filter. They can be found new for about a 100bucks. Its an upfront investment but in the long run its a lot cheaper. I finally got tired of lugging big containers to the fish store for water. I figured I will break even on my filter in about 4 months with daily topoffs, and the reg. water changes. Im not sure how much it is to treat tap water but, depending on where you live its not a good option.


Active Member
few more things, mandarin sorry man, not near enough live rock. They eat pods and w/o at least 100lbs of lr they will slowly starve to death. Maybe someone has managed to get them to eat brine somewhere, but not that I know of. Also the bicolor I had one in my 55 and it didnt go well, he seemed to need a lot more roaming space, they get big and love lots of rockwork to hide in. Id ask if I were you about the bicolor in the fish section of this site.