Okay here's my plan. I want to get a 30 gal tank. I was going to have a skimmer (if you could recommened a skimmer for my size tank that'd be great), a heater, an aqua breed 1000 (to breed brine), two or one max jet power heads, 45 lb. of lr and 30 lb. of ls, a maiden's hair plant, 10 eletric blue hermitcrabs, 2 blue/green reef chromis, a bicolor angelfish, 2 or 3 marginated damselfish, and hopefully 2 green, and a cleaner shrimp. I heard mandarins will eat brine so I hope they will. If there is anything I missed or you have suggestion I would love to hear them. Also I heard you CAN'T you tap water for your aquarium (after adding salt of course) is this true and if so what type of water should I use. And finally if there are any specific foods for a fish I would prefer to have that you would recommened please inform me. Thanks again for reading my ramblings.
I know of the 1" per 5 gallon rule but I heard you can bend it but I hope my plan won't break it.
I know of the 1" per 5 gallon rule but I heard you can bend it but I hope my plan won't break it.