Is this overstocking a 92G?


Hey all,
In your humble (and not so humble if you prefer) opinions, can you tell me based on experience with these fish that any of you may have whether or not I am overstocking a planned 92 gallon with:
1 volitan lion,
1 porcupine puffer (diodon holocanthus),
1 australian harlequin tusk
I know that I'm not going by the 5 Gallon for 1" fish rule, but I've done my research on this and have decided that I will be over-filtering & over-skimming my tank w/ the equipment and live rock I buy so that I can manage the bioload for the tank. Plenty of experts say that 2-3" per gallon works w/ lots of filtration/skimming and never overfeeding.
That being said, I'm open to any and all opinions about this question and throwing myself to the sharks as it were, so lemme have it...
I know these guys get big, but based on their behavior and activity level, do you think they can live happily in this tank or should I change my plan? Will they be good for life (especially if I feed sparingly, 2-3 times a week, to keep them cleaner and longer-lived)
(Lionfish & Pufferlover, I know you guys have some of these, so your response would be appreciated).


Sounds good to me... although, I would highly advise against any more fish than that. I know that I could house 2 aggressive fish in my 75gl... so you should be fine with the three in your 92. Do your homework on the fish...b/c the tuskfish and puffer may be a little too boisterious for the lion :)


I think that your plan will work. I don't know about your feeding plan I would still feed them every day, with the filter setup you are planning and if you do regular water changes it should not be a problem. you might want to consider adding a mech filter, I use a aquaclear 500 on my 125fo and it really helps out alot, just rince out the spounge when you do water changes. Good Luck


Active Member
I think you would be Ok but just those 3 (don't be like me and figure maybe one more- thats how I get into trouble). As long as you are overfiltering trust me that Pork will be test the linmits as it grows and becomes more hungry they do make a mess of a tank when they eat. I try to give them just enough and feed them slowly that helps a bit. Enjoy.


Voltian lions do get pretty big, so you might want to concider a smaller lion like a dwarf, antenata, or a raditata.


Thanks guys, another question about this group in a 92. The tank is only 4 feet long (a high tank, I know not as good as a breeder tank but my only option due to space constraints). I know that Harks can be active dudes. Is he gonna be squished? I know feeling squished = higher stress = short life & death (which = tank death) so I want to make sure I'm giving him the requirements he needs. Volitans are not very active & puffers swim around a lot but seem to do OK with what they have if they can move freely, but I don't have any experience w/ Harks. Someone let me know if you do. Thanks!


I have a friend whose parents have a 300gl aggressive tank at their doctors office. They have a trigger, a lion, a puffer, 2 eels, and a tuskfish. I know that everytime I've been there the tuskfish has always been kinda the "sore thumb" of the bunch... I just dont think it looks like it should be in the tank. If I were you, I would go with an eel, they are way cool. Just my opinion :)


I was thinking of putting a snowflake in with these guys anyways. Reason I didn't mention it is because from what I've read, as long as you have a big enough tank for an eel (+50G for Snowflake), you don't need to plan for them in the inches of fish per gallon calculation since they don't have any space reqiurements if you give them rock to hang out in and have strong filtration planned. But what do you think guys? Any more guidance is appreciated. As for the hark, I think my heart is kinda set on him! But don't want him if there isn't enough room for him.