Is This Possible? 125 Gallon with 3 Aqua Clear 500s? Live Sand? Live Rock?


I am close to purchasing a 125 gallon glass tank from the LFS. My question is would it be possible to have my only filtration be 3 Aqua Clear 500 filters and a protein skimmer? I will be adding a suffiecient ammount of Live Rock and Live Sand for biological purposes. Shouldn't this be enough bacteria? I have not heard of any concepts like this, so this is why im asking. Is this possible? Would water quality be good? Myabe im nuts and uninformed? Please help!!
-adam :confused:


I think it would be fine. I like aquaclears for my fresh water tanks. I would rather spend the money on one or two emperor 400s. But deffinatly load up on the live sand and rock, and get a really good skimmer


Imo I think that is a little to much I would only use two, with a good skimmer, I have one on my 125 works great for a mech filter I have some really messy eaters. You could even use one depending on what you have in the tank. With enough lr and ls and a good skimmer that would work. Good Luck


Adam, Guppie is right. You only need two of the aqua clears. I use them on all my tanks. They work great as a mech filter and supply good H2O movement.


I agree, I think that set up will be fine.
I would also get the Emporer filters, I have been a really big fan of them ever since I started simply because one has given me REALLY
good water quality.
See ya :D