Is this possible?


Active Member
switched to dsb w/southdown on Friday,cleared up quite a bit so put back in livestock. All cleared up by last night and I went to drop in a piece of plankton for my green brittle star. When I opened the stand to get the stuff the brittle star was laying on the carpet behind the tank dead. He commited suicide, they can climb out of the tank?? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />

nm reef

Active Member
Never had a brittle star go carpet surfing but I have lost a six-line wrasse and a percula clown to the carpet. Sorry to hear about your loss.... <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
I would assume as they can crawl up the walls, or I've seen an amazing site, that they could just crawl out of the aquarium. I will keep my eye on mine.
Thats pretty odd. I have never heard of that happening before. I know they can move quite quickly when spooked. I wonder if he just wasnt sure what was going on with the changes and just bolted. Just a guess, I know that isnt what you were looking for.


Active Member
I figured he'd just crawl under a rock to hide for a while with new surroundings, sure didn't expect this, but I don't feel quite as much like I should have known better since your responses seem to indicate this isn't a common occurance as with other things.


That's something new. I have not seen my brittle attached to the glass. It's always at the sand, actually never seen it even on the rocks. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Mine rarely ever gets on the rocks, let alone climbs to the surface. He must've really hated the SOuthdown!


Sometimes, my brittlestar will climb to the top to grab the food in the corner. It's amazing how they can hold up with just the tip of an arm anchored to a rock or powerhead.


Yep, I had an Fromia, and a linka, that I ordered online, and both died within three days, but the linka, climbed all over the tank, it really was something to see, the fromia was half dead when we got it..
But Deb, they can pretty much climb where they want, I only had a yellow headed jawfish jump ship, but stars climb if they want,,
Sorry you lost the little guy... :(