If your Ocellaris clowns were aquacultured it even makes it a little tougher, IMO. As spanko said it is up to each individual fish. Let me give you a real case example. Two ocellaris clowns hosting a BTA at the LFS. The pair and the BTA were all purchased together and put in the same bag. They continued to live in the anemone during transport(45 minutes). Acclimated and introduced to the tank and the clowns never went in that anemone again. True story. They did host again just not that anemone.
On a side note, I did the picture thing once and the Ocellaris pair were in their anemone within a few hours after a couple of weeks of paying no attention to it. Personally, I don't think it is monkey see, monkey do but it may trigger something in there defense mechanism.