Originally Posted by reefkprZ
say you start with 100 different forms of life pre shipping, they got the rock shipped in 40% died off that left the rock with 60 different forms of life, after years of being in a tank you lose another 20% to competition and biodomination, and parameter swings, if you order the rock yourself you get the full 60% insted of only 40%.
coraline just signifies that the person had good calcium, I know people that can grow coraline but kill everything else they put in their tank, I wouldnt want rock from them because while it has good coraline it has minimal diversity of life on it.
Thank you for sharing the info. But didn't those life forms repopulate over time? I mean let say I bought just two rocks and during shipping, 1 to 40 life form die in rock 1, and 41 to 80 life forms die in rock 2. So now I still have 100 % of the species in those two rocks. over time in an established aquarium, wouldn't those life forms reproduces?