Is this really true: Fish are very imporant for a reef tank

zack schwartz

Active Member
I am trying to keep my fish load to one or two fish in my 50 gallon tank I would much rather go with corals. A lfs told me that fish are imporant and there waste and food helps feed corals. Is all this true. Do I need fish in my reef? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I've seen quite a few tanks with just corals in them. I personally just like the fish along with them. But I've never heard that you have to have fish. Your lfs might just be trying to get more money out of you.

nm reef

Active Member
Fish can increase the diversity of the reef and diversity is a good thing in my opinion. Waste and motion through out the system can be good but I don't believe fish are necessary........I do believe that diversity is a key to a stable mature system.Personally I keep a few fish with character and color because it is pleasing to me...but I do keep the bio-load low in comparission to my filtering capacity. :cool:
Currently in my 55 reef I have long term residents.....coral beauty/red coris or formosa wrasse/tomato clown/blue chromis....had a manderian that lost a fight with a power head and I have no current plans to replace him.

ed r

I think 1-2 fish in a 50g with a lot of corals is a great approach. I think you could be successful with zero fish, but a couple make interesting additions. I am planning on a pair of clowns in my 55g. Whether I ever add a third fish is yet to be determined. Good luck with your tank. I am sure it will do well.


Active Member
reccomended adn important, IMO yes
BUT, not mandated, a reef will survive without, but the fish as mentioned add diversity, color, and food for the inverts, not to mention activity too
remmeber, you are not filling a tank, but building an ecosystem and ecosystems should have several aspects covered to be self sustaining and it's healthiest, not just one, IT ALL WORKS TOGETHER
but like i said and others said, not mandatory

zack schwartz

Active Member
Thanks everyone for your comments! I will probly get one or two more fish. I do have a buget and I'd like most of it to go to corals! Thanks a lot :D