Is this REEF life during hypo?


REEF life during hypo? No waay right? I understood that the bacteria on live rock would survive, but not anything else. My live rock has always been pretty baron. Nothing I could see living on it for 4 months now cept the bacteria. I am in week 2 of hyposalinity, and this thing comes out of the rock and just sways in the current. It is long about 4 inches, very thin, like spaghetti thin, and light green and came out overnight. Is this some kind of algae? I looked up the algae pics and didn't see it anywere. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere, so must be plant thang...but overnight???
Forgive my ignorance. I am FOWLR at this point, just begining to research a switch to reef.


Hypo for Ich... My QT tank is only 10g and wasn't as stable as I thought, and so I moved new fish into the big tank too soon..... Damn dumb newbie mistakes!
Any ideas what this spaghetti lookin thing is. It is looking sorta wilted now, and is floating inside a hole now.


Definately woulda if I coulda.... Can we venture a general opinion whether there is ever reef life during hypo, or must this be a algae/plant? It will actually be three weeks on Thurs.


Active Member
Could be a number of things. ID's are very hard just based on vague description. If it really is green.......alge.


Active Member
I have never done hypo, and have read that in is not safe for corals, inverts ect....But if a fish can make it i guess it might be possible for a little critter or two to hang on.


New Member
I think it depends on how "hypo" you are, what is the salinity? I did "hypo" on accident when I did a water change with fresh water. The lfs put water in wrong containers, but I should have checked. Mine was at 1.019 and gradually brought it back to 1.023 over the course of 4 weeks. During that time I saw pods, worms, and other stuff.


Active Member
It wouldn't be unheard of for some critters to survive. You are doing an experiment in lethal limits. Most inverts will not, but some species or individuals of species may be able to tolerate a large range of salinities (eg things that live in estuaries and bays are often tolerant of major salinity variation). So I can't tell from the description, but it wouldn't be impossible for it to be a critter of some sort.