Is this refugium worth buying for?


I cost roughly 240 total on the famost auction site, just wanted to know if it's right price or I can get some other at a more decent price?


Does not state how many gallon and here is the description of what it came with, I believe it's everything.
Comes with Catalina Aquarium 600 submersible pump (275 gallons per hour) - To pump water from tank to the sump.
It also comes with a Catalina Aquarium adjustable 1400 submersible pump to return the filtered water to the aquarium.
Protein Skimmer is included (great skimmer that gets excellent aspiration from adjustable 1400 Catalina Pump - makes for lots of bubbles, and promotes better filtration). Skimmer works with a 12 blade skimmer impeller that is powered by the adjustable 1400 pump.
The return tube is fitted with a water tight gasket to always prevent from leakage. The tube is also slotted and has bio balls.
This mud sump grows plant life extremely well since it comes with a 2 X 13 watt power compact hood with sunlight bulbs (10,000 Kelvin rating). This sump will keep your tank naturally clean healthy and oxygenated. It is the best natural filter on the market today and now it is being offered here at direct wholesale cost for $199.


Is this for your 30g?
I would ask for the dimensions.
You should be able to use a tank size/gallon calculator then.
Also make sure you won't have any clearance issues.
Instand might not fit.


Active Member
I've seen these before and they are a bit "smaller" than the picture looks...
The tank is about a 20 gallon size and the skimmer bout the size and effectiveness of a Sea Clown 100...
Now, you are probably not going to beat the price going DIY, but you can get much more "effective" equipment (skimmer) and reliable pumps (Mag drive) and a larger sump fuge tank (AGA 40 breeder), and still need to do some "work" on building it youself...
For "plug and play" go for it, but it won't lend itself well to "upgrades" (size wise) and to try to do so would be spending money twice...


Thanks for all the replies. It will be use for my new 65 gallon. Pix below with my DIY stand and canopy.

The refugium is 20L X 8W X 14H.
Thanks for the detail, I have no problem going DIY but I really don't have any option when it come to upgrade (size wise) due to the spacing inside the stand, only thing I can do here is upgrade to better pump when needed, but I guess this would just be a more efficient solution.
Again thanks everyone, will have more question when it come to plumbing :) .


Active Member
That is a decent price for what it is, though as Squidd mentioned, the skimmer looks undersized. Plus, the pumps and such aren't top of the line, so you would likely have to replace them in a few years.


Ok used the calculator and it comes out to be 9.7 gallons by the dimensions.
So it would be 9-7 gallon volume depending on the waterline.


Yeah, that's is the problem with all in one package, the good deal always come with a cost :) . Anyhow, if I go with the DIY route then here is the break down based on Squidd sugestion:
Refugium ~= $115 buck online or 20 gallon tank + baffles ~= $80
Light ~= $30
Pump ~= $65 (Mag Drive 9.5 rated at 700gph at 6 ft)
Skimmer ~= Give me a suggestion here, brand and model # would be good.
Originally Posted by RobChuck
That is a decent price for what it is, though as Squidd mentioned, the skimmer looks undersized. Plus, the pumps and such aren't top of the line, so you would likely have to replace them in a few years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by little_d
Yeah, that's is the problem with all in one package, the good deal always come with a cost :) . Anyhow, if I go with the DIY route then here is the break down based on Squidd sugestion:
Refugium ~= $115 buck online or 20 gallon tank + baffles ~= $80
Light ~= $30
Pump ~= $65 (Mag Drive 9.5 rated at 700gph at 6 ft)
Skimmer ~= Give me a suggestion here, brand and model # would be good.
That list looks much better! :)
For a skimmer, I would look at the ASM G2. It runs about $250 and is practically identical (other than materials used in construction) to the Euro Reef CS6-1 that sells for about $375. ASM rates the G2 for 200g, but the comparable Euro Reef CS6-1 is only rated for around 100g.
For what it's worth, I ran a CS6-1 on my moderately stocked 65g reef with 20g sump when I had that set up, and thought that was about the perfect amount of skimming for that tank.


One more question about this sump+asm skimmer, the footprint for the g2 skimmer is 10x11 and my sump dimension is 25L X 12W X 16H. Will there be enough room for live stuff plus return pump? Or should I go with the G1x series which have a footprint of 8.5X10?


Active Member
Are you taking about the sump pictured above (last pic??)
With those braces across the top doesn't look like theres a place to fit hte skimmer...
As far as the two skimmers... with the 12" depth to sump you'll be using either 9" (for G1) or 11" (for G2) two inch difference..
So let's calc out the G2..11" for skimmer...then 3" to4" for baffles...then 6"to8" for return pump...= 20" minimum or 23" on the high side..
Doesn't leave ANY room for "live stuff" (fuge I assume)...
So go with the bigger skimmer ...give it room for baffles and evap water over return pump...and work out a plan for a "seperate" fuge if you want one...


Seem like I don't have any more room, would you be able to suggest a smaller in sump skimmer or an external skimmer? I have a little bit of room to the side of the stand.
Originally Posted by Squidd
Are you taking about the sump pictured above (last pic??)
With those braces across the top doesn't look like theres a place to fit hte skimmer...
As far as the two skimmers... with the 12" depth to sump you'll be using either 9" (for G1) or 11" (for G2) two inch difference..
So let's calc out the G2..11" for skimmer...then 3" to4" for baffles...then 6"to8" for return pump...= 20" minimum or 23" on the high side..
Doesn't leave ANY room for "live stuff" (fuge I assume)...
So go with the bigger skimmer ...give it room for baffles and evap water over return pump...and work out a plan for a "seperate" fuge if you want one...