is this right?


i got my ammonia level down to 0 just put my LR in and it is pretty pale from when i first got it is it all dead?


Active Member
Pale live rock usually means the coralline algae is dying.
It will come back though.
Is that what you were asking?


Active Member
Depends on the type of live rock that you bought. Was it "cured" or "uncured"?
Cured live rock will take longer, but it will also be free of bad hitchhikers. Fresh "uncured" should have stuff visible already. Much of it will die, but new will spring up pretty quickly.
Macro algaes may never "spring" up. Fish like to nibble at them before they ever gain a foothold.


Active Member
Well, depending on how good the rock was, what it is "seeded with", your water parameters, etc. you will start to see new things in a few months.