is this setup ok


New Member
fluvol 400
cpr backpack rio 800
2 rio 800
white and blue flor
2" cc
about 25lbs live rock
1 coral beauty
1 yellow tail dam 1"
1 5" black & white dam
1 moron clown
I got the tank from a friend ,he had it with all the stuff
u see on top. when i set it up i used the same water and
changed 5 % .I changed 20% twise and nitrate still high
160.Ive had it about 6 weeks.


Active Member
Hi, welcome to the board,
I can't help you much but have any of the other readings been high (nitrite, ammonia)? If so then your tank could have recycled when it was moved and it could be going through the nitrate cycle. That would be my guess. Luckily your fish are pretty hardy, just keep doing water changes and the nitrates should come down after a while, if it did cycle again then after 6 weeks it should be finished, keep us updated of any changes like a rise in nitrates or something. Hope this helped you

bang guy

I don't see anything in your list that will remove or export nitrate except the water changes and the small amount of rock. I believe you will always have a high nitrate level in that tank. You will need to change at least 10 gallons a week to keep the nitrates tolerable.


I'm sure he meant Maroon clown. 10 gallons a week? That is a little over 15% per week, or roughly 67% per month. That seems quite high to me. Nitrate reduction for a tank that is not overstocked or overfed can be accomplished by a 25% water change done each month.


Good one Salty... I have a moron emerald crab that won't leave my polyps alone.
Procc you may consider looking into a DSB it would be mess but would be be helpful in lowering nitrate levels. THere are plenty of threads around which tell you all the details just do a search. HTH