is this snail safe?

bang guy

Can you get a picture just like that but with the snail retracted?
As a guess it resembles Ilyanassa sp. possibly a Ilyanassa obsoleta.

bang guy

Ilyanassa obsoleta is just a specific species of Ilyanassa sp..
I. obsoleta is one of the few truly omniverous snails. They can eat nearly anything including many types of coral. What they prefer to eat is carrion followed distantly by diatoms but if they get hungry all bets are off on what they are willing to eat. In the typical reef tank there is enough carrion and left over fish food to keep them from getting hungry. These snails are often called Nassarius Snail, they are not. Nassarius Snails are pure carrion consumers and are unable to consume live flesh.


I dont want him to eat my coral. He was near my xenia today. Should i Just throw him in the HOB filter or something? I dont want to kill it, but i dont want it near my coral

bang guy

I would consider it innocent until you actually see damage. Honestly, they can usually find more than enough to eat before they get hungry enough to look at coral. If it were me I wouldn't give it a second thought.