yea...its pretty sweet, its about the size of a penny if that helps anyone...
bronco300 Active Member Mar 25, 2006 #21 yea...its pretty sweet, its about the size of a penny if that helps anyone...
babyb Active Member Mar 26, 2006 #22 i have an anemonie that looks like that when it is closed up i dont know what kind it is it came on a rock and has grown to about the size of a pea nut but when i got it is was the side of pea
i have an anemonie that looks like that when it is closed up i dont know what kind it is it came on a rock and has grown to about the size of a pea nut but when i got it is was the side of pea
bronco300 Active Member Mar 26, 2006 #23 well it cant be that because it doesnt stingthe zoos that are righttt niext to it