is this sump/fuge design ok?


hey guys long time
first time posting. i am setting up a 75g tank right now, i have drilled it on the back for 2 over flows and a closed loop. i have a 20L for a sump and i have it set up for a fuge and thought it was good enough for my tank but have read up some more and now i have mixed feelings on it so would like some input on it. here is a drawing of what it looks like now, i plan on adding some mud and cheto to the fuge, along with a good PS. in the main tank i want to do some corals, fish and LR. let me know what you think.


i looked at alot of fuge set-ups and i liked that design at the time. i was trying to get a high turn over rate but still control the flow in the fuge. i haven't decided for sure yet but i may even tap in a canister filter into the sump as well if i get it all set up and running and see what my numbers look like. remember its a 20L so unless i have some measurements to work with i don't know how big i should make everything.


Originally Posted by AJ565
i looked at alot of fuge set-ups and i liked that design at the time. i was trying to get a high turn over rate but still control the flow in the fuge. i haven't decided for sure yet but i may even tap in a canister filter into the sump as well if i get it all set up and running and see what my numbers look like. remember its a 20L so unless i have some measurements to work with i don't know how big i should make everything.
My sump is going to be like yours to. I think that it is the best system cause of the control of the water flow to the fuge area and also there is some water with copepods in it taht you do not want to go thru the skimmer due to it being removed. I say good job on the set-up and make sure you get a quality skimmer


Squidd.... Can that same design be plumbed with the use of only one overflow? I don't see why not but would like to confirm.. I am going to do that same design with a 20 long with skimmer heater left chamber, middle return, and of course fuge on right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiamiReefr
Squidd.... Can that same design be plumbed with the use of only one overflow? I don't see why not but would like to confirm.. I am going to do that same design with a 20 long with skimmer heater left chamber, middle return, and of course fuge on right.
Yes.. works the same with a overflow and return...
Just "T" the drain line to split the flow between skimmer area and fuge chamber.


Originally Posted by sign guy
-squidd with your design can you filter the water at all befor it goes in the fuge?
you wont have to due to the liverock and the live sand being there and acting as a filter with your macroalgae


Originally Posted by AJ565
Squidd i think thats the picture i saved on my computer and designed my sump/fuge after.

I think squidd has it jsut to keep posting it HEH. Its a good type of design though. You can regualte flow for both easier that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
-squidd with your design can you filter the water at all befor it goes in the fuge?
Not sure I understand the's my thoughts...
My thoughts of filtration...
Large (adaquate) quantity of Live Rock and SSB for Biological filtration (suface area for Bacteria)...High Flow , distributed through out the tank to keep deitrus suspended and removed from MT,promote gaseous exchange and maintain oxygen levels...a Large sump and LARGER Fuge with Macros for malnutrient removal through export (denitrification) and a Killer Skimmer to remove Mass quantities of DOCs (organics) prior to decomposition...
With a well balanced system, no other "filtration devices" (bioballs/biomedia) are necessary...Other than the ability to run Chemical Media (carbon or phosphate removers) from time to time, best done in a Fluidized bed (or converted canister) type system...

sign guy

Active Member
thats what I plan to do but I had planed to skim the water before it hit the fuge and have a bypass line to bypass the fuge if the flow was to strong.
make sence?


Originally Posted by Squidd
Yes.. works the same with a overflow and return...
Just "T" the drain line to split the flow between skimmer area and fuge chamber.

Muchos Gracias... Squidd you've been around so I will ask because I get mixed up answers from folks on this and I am not sure why because it has to have beeen covered numerous times and I have my own personal thoughts but want to hear it from someone with over a few years in this hobby.. I currently have a 90 fowlr with the exception of 3 mushrooms. I want to add a sump/fuge. anyhow am I looking at a cycle if I add this refugium to this tank with the fuge utilizing a dsb, live rock, chaeto.
Currently is a cheesy wet/dry I want out of there but came with the tank..
The live rock going in will be cured already from an established tank and the chaeto well no worries there. The only new item going in would be a bag of live sand... maybe 10 or 20 pounds. My current inhabitants are a gold striped maroon and sfe.
thanks ALOT!


Also just to add Squidd's design is great and ideal. K.I.S.S. the way it should be... I am aiming at flowing about 30-35% of the flow to the fuge and remaining amount to skimmer. Can't wait and this along with a good skimmer will keep the bioload I plan to have i check.


i'm just glad i got the
because i didn't want to pull out my sump again, cut out the baffels and reinstall them


Active Member
The live rock going in will be cured already from an established tank and the chaeto well no worries there. The only new item going in would be a bag of live sand... maybe 10 or 20 pounds.
Basically your adding an additional chamber and additional no worries on cycle there..
"IF" the rock is cured and from an established tank (moved over) no worries there either
Adding macros no problem..
Only concern would be bag of LS...Mostly you will want to let is "settle" before running thru main tank system...But that's part of the beauty of the split sump/fuge CAN run the skimmer side and return pump (divert all flow to that side) and let the sand in the fuge settle for a day...then split the flow and get them both moving...No new "cycle (ammonia Nitrite spike) should occur..