Is This The Bad Red Stuff


Ok, Just noticed this today. Is this the Red stuff that you guys are talking about. Yes, I know that the pictures a little blurry, but could you let me know if I need to pull the rock and scrub it. It has like hair that waves in the current, about 1/4 inch long.



It's either dinoflagulates (sp?) or cyanobacteria.
Do you have a lot of it in your tank?


Originally Posted by Tizzo
It's either dinoflagulates (sp?) or cyanobacteria.
Do you have a lot of it in your tank?
Might be detrius build up?


Any detritus build up I ever had was greyish... Never orangish...


I used a turkey baster and it blew right off. So is that bad or good? It was just on one rock. Now that I just blew it off I am wondering if it is going to spread every where.


Took out the rock and gave it a light scrubbing. Now I will watch to see if it comes back. I read up on the cyanobacteria and will try the lights first if it comes back. BUT I just got my new 305 Halide Lights ok not 305 but 175 Halide and two 65 Compact flourescent lights.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
I used a turkey baster and it blew right off. So is that bad or good? It was just on one rock. Now that I just blew it off I am wondering if it is going to spread every where.

Never blow the cyano off :scared: , use a syphon tube and syphon it out. When it lands somewhere else it will reattach. Never ending cycle that way. Since you just upgraded your lights, this is probably what caused it to appear. Check all of your parameters, if they check out then reduce your photo period, adding time daily until you are up to your normal light cycle. Adding more current will help also. Good Luck. Remember.......Syphon not blow.

tx reef

Active Member
It doesn't matter if you blow it off or suck it out. The bacteria that causes the red slime is in your tank. Unless you can find the cause of it quick and fix it, then it will continue to pop up everywhere. Give me a minute and I will try to find a pic of my tank when it was covered in red slime. It all started out as a little dime sized spot on the sand and it took me 5 months to get rid of it.


Active Member
TX Reef this is fine info, however, the truth of getting rid of it is not to blow it off to start a new batch somewhere else. If you syphon it, it is gone. For awhile, but you still need to find out where it is coming from, yes! Do all of your perameters......did something die, and you just don't see it? Old light bulbs...even out of a new lights if bought off the internet, who knows how old they really are. All this matters, but syphoning is the best option for now, until you can determine where it is coming from.


I think I just went through what is happing to you, I got a new 150 watt MH about 2 weeks ago then about a week ago started to see pink spots on the sand and red stuff on the rocks....First info I saw on here was to try and not feed for a couple of days and keep ALL of your lights ( including your moon lights) off for a couple of days. So I went and kept the lights off for 3 days (Had a dark blanket wrapped around the tank too) and didn't feed and all seems better now. Hope some of this helps.


Now I'm not a fan of adding stuff to my tank. BUT if you know that the problem started with the new light. And that very well may be. I would reccomed "BOYD CHEMI CLEAN" yahoo it and you will find it. there are a few other "chemi cleans" out ther but this is the one that I have used in the past with AMAZING results in 24 hours. It is 100% reef safe. (I have a 125 reef) I used is when I got Cyno after upgrading to MH and it's gone.
You need to follow the directions to the letter though. I have a smaller tank that I tried it on but didn't remove my carbon. It didn't work.


New Member
Not to hijack the thread but I too am suffering from the dreaded slime...its all over the right side of my tank. I use RO/DI water and the lights have been on for 8 hours a day...perhaps too much? Its a 75 gallon and the slime is all over my rocks on one side of the tank and creeping up the glass. I added red slime remover and it looked like it helped a bit but nothing drastic...also I may have messed up because I left the skimmer off but the canister filter running....did I suck out all my medicine? :) Is it weird that it is somewhat contained to one side of the tank....heavily concentrated though.....I haven't been overfeeding...I think I just caught the "bug"