Is this the coolest hitchhiker ever??


Active Member
I bought a Derasa clam about a week ago and since then I have noticed a little guy peeking around corners and hopping from rock to rock. I have not been able to get a pic of the hitchhiker until today.............
Is it a Neon Goby? Engineer baby? What is this little guy? ~ More importantly........Can I keep him? If it is a Neon, I think I can keep him.........he shouldn't add to the bio-load much should he? This thing is tiny.........3/8"-1/2"max.


Active Member
Nice hiker. I want something cool like that... It looks like a neon or maybe a wrasse which one i don't know. Does it swim? or slither on the rock...

nm reef

Active Member
Very kewl...can't help on the ID but that is definitely an outstanding hitchhiker. Does look like a goby of some kind...maybe a fish expert will stop by to help ID your new friend.:cool:


I thought I picked up a really nice hitchhiker once but then she started telling how much it would cost for a....uh.....oh nevermind you meant something else didn't you?;)

Originally posted by Iechy
I thought I picked up a really nice hitchhiker once but then she started telling how much it would cost for a....uh.....oh nevermind you meant something else didn't you?;)

LOL Iechy !!


Active Member
Lissen here Jack Kerouak.........I am happier with my new goby than any hookerrrrrr.....uh....nevermind as well.
J21- I thought that Engineer gobies got pretty large where Neons max out around an inch or so? Maybe...........?


correct, rye...
neons & engineers are very different things. neons stay small, cute and dont add to much to the bioload. engineers dig, get big & long (almost a foot I believe) and... well theyre just different :p
its got the same body as a neon and very similar colours... so I would think it is or is very closely related. I doubt its bad in any way. congrats!
Drew :)


just curious, but youre pretty sure the goby came with the clam? I should buy my clams from your lfs :d thats amazing


Active Member
congrats, rye, it sure looks like a neon goby. thats sweet that you got it as a hitcher! i got a coral eating star as a hitcher on my clam yippeee! <

good luck


Active Member
Thanx guys. I thought it was a Neon. That is pretty neat if I do say so myself. I can only imagine that the new guy came in on the clam........haven't added live rock for a while. Either way, I didn't pay a dime for him.
jonthefb - Thanx for the link.:)


Active Member
pretty cool RyeBread !
Only hitchhikers besides the normal pods and worms I ever get are velonia and aptasia :(
I never get any hitchhikers..
The Fiji LR i have is shipped from fiji to England dry, then taken to the lfs dry, then taken home by me, dry. All the good stuff dies:(
I have 3 or 4 1cm feather dusters, and that's it!
Anyhow, thats a cool hichhiker!


Nice hitcher. Whenever I visit the lfs I always get a hitchiking fish. Maybe it has to do with the 5 bucks I slip the employee;) . Truthfully, I've been lucky with hitchers. With my live rock I got a couple of urchins, 3-4 starfish, a small toadstool and a baby green brain. Unfortunately the brain died after a few weeks.


Active Member
I went to the store today and noticed and engineer goby in a tank. I'd have to say yours looks more like an engineer baby than a neon..... I don't know. I guess youll find out in a few months when he grows


Active Member
Or maybe when I see the little bugger again..........A 29 gallon is small but, it seems huge when looking for this little guy. The only reason I am still thinking Neon is because the tail doesn't look like a ribbon or snake like an engineer.........we will see.


Hey Rye,
Does he have any yellow along the side of his body just below the blue stripe? If so, he could be a "sharknose" goby, aka "cleaner" goby (gobiosoma evelynae). Max length 1.6"