Is this to many fish for 75 gallon ?


New Member
I have a 75 gallon with 45 lbs of LR.
Is this to many fish for this size?
If so what size tank should I have for this many fish?
4in hippo tang
4in purple tang
3in yellow tang
4in dragon goby
2in BiColor Blenny
1 1/2in Mandarin
2in lawnmower blenny


Mandarin need at least 100lbs to keep them fed in the long run. Agree, get rid of a tang or two, and get a small fish.


New Member
I have not purchased the yellow tang yet so I will not.
I have had therest of the fish for over 2yrs and they have been very happy and healthy.
I have also had my mandarin for over 2yrs and he is growing and very happy.
Thanks for the advice and talking me out of another tang, it would have definitly been a disaster.


New Member
Not to say thay u guys are wrong about mandrins..but i have a mandrin and they thing eats brine and some flake foods..i have heard that people have difficulty keeping these fish...i must have been lucky. I wouldnt lose the mandrin


New Member
Originally Posted by jwtrojan44
Sorry to say, but that set-up looks like a disaster waiting to happen. I think alot of folks would not even put two tangs in a 75, let alone three. The species of tangs will also have compatability problems given the tank size. They will be to cramped and aggression will more than likely occur, causing stress and subsequent illness. I would also worry about a mandarin with such a small amount of live rock. If you already have these fish, I'd suggest getting rid of at least one, if not two of the tangs, and possibly the mandarin. If this is a proposed list, thin it out a little. To keep these particular fish, I'd think something in the range of 125 gallons minimum to allow for territory and swimming room. JWT
My angelfish is not going to make it tonight. Is it safe to replace it tommorow? I have a yellow tang, damsel, and a clownfish. 2 blunnies in a 85 gal tank. I have heard the tang has to be the last fish in.


Active Member
well the tang is gonna get to big but i would not replace it, just do a water change and add stress zyme when it dies


Active Member
I have a 72 and I am planning on putting a green mandarin dragonet and a Blue hippo tang along with other fish--I know alot of you disagree with the hippo in my tank--
In your tank I believe you DEFENIATLY NEED more live rock if your mandarin doesn't eat anything else other than pods or maybe if you have a fuge than you wouldn't NEED to have more live rock but your tank must look pretty empty becuase I have a 72 gallon and i have about 80-90 pounds of live rock and I still think I need more maybe i just need more corals. anyways I would go buy more live rock
Do you have any pictures of your tank I love most of your fish and I LOVE to look at corals if you have any!


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
I have a 72 and I am planning on putting a green mandarin dragonet and a Blue hippo tang along with other fish--I know alot of you disagree with the hippo in my tank--
Are you prepared to spend the money each week neccessary to buy live pods and have them shipped to you to feed the Mandarin? Many, many Mandarins starve in captivity because they don't get enough pods. The vast majority can/will not eat frozen. Brine doesn't count as it is nutritionally void... a fish can starve eating brine.
People disagree with a Blue Hippo in your size tank because they new more room than that to swim.
There are plenty of great fish for you to put in your tank; these are a couple of bad choices.