Is this to much fish for a 40H gallon reef tank?


I am going to be starting a 40H gallon reef tank. I was wondering If all the experts out there could tell me if 2 Percula's and one Mimic Yellow Tang would be to much for my reef. I plan on using 60-70 lbs of live rock with no substrate in display tank, and a live sand substrate with protein skimmer in 20 gallon sump. I don't want the fish to outgrow my tank. From the research I have done percula's would get 4" long each and the mimic yellow tang 6" long. Which would be 2.86gal for each inch of fish. Is this O.K.


Active Member

Normaly I dont like to teel ppl. no but here I will ADVISE against getting the tang. Although that one is one of the more hardy as far as tangs go, They would still get larger than 6 in. in the wild and the stess of such a short tank would eventualy take its toll.
As far as the lemmonpeel angle, well thats one of the LEAST reef safe pygmies there is.


Active Member
Get two yellow head jawfish cause they move up and down and not side to side
just need 3 inches of sand and some rubble around where you want them. Very cool fish.


Active Member
Not a bad idea about the jawfish, but there is a ton of other stuff you can do for that tank as well. There are many cool gobies and blennies that would fit well into that tank, and then, you could have four fish (the 2 clowns, 1 goby, and 1 blenny).
I definitely agree about the tang though.