Is this too difficult?


I want to replace my purpleback pseudochromis with a longnose hawkfish and a Red Sea Gorgonian.
I have a tank that has been running for 3 months now.


I am new to the aquarium hobby and is this too difficult?
My girlfriend helps a lot, she has an established tank of over a year.


I also forgot to mention that the reason I'm replacing the purpleback pseudo is that he has been attacking my green chromis. I had an earlier post and I had one reply to take him out, but I want to know what I can replace him with.


Active Member
you need to provide information about your tank. whats in it? what lighting?
what do you mean by difficult? gorgonians are invertberates, like corals, and need light. if you dont want the fish in their and you can catch him, then take do it.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
you need to provide information about your tank. whats in it? what lighting?
what do you mean by difficult? gorgonians are invertberates, like corals, and need light. if you dont want the fish in their and you can catch him, then take do it.
I have a 75 gallon tank, with a Mega Flow model 3 sump
I have a corallife super skimmer and Single Satellite CF lighting.
I also have 65 lbs of rock, turning live, and 50 lbs of sand, 40 in the tank, 10 in the sump with 5lbs of refugium mud. I also have 4 mangroves in the sump that are 9-11 inches tall.


Active Member
i had a longnose that never bothered any shrimp except for a small peppermint shrimp that i dropped in with the lights on, without feeding etc etc.


so really, the trick to keeping tank mates rather happy and not eating or attacking is how they are introduced into the tank.
The other question I have about the red sea gorgonian is how hard are they to take care of? I have heard they are difficult and my mag drive 950 is a rather strong current.
So how hard is it to fed the gorgonian and how often?


First of all in a 3 month tank you shouldn't add anything else, you shouldn't have much of anything but live rock and some cleaning crew, plus the fish you already have. Don't add anything.
You shouldn't even have a Gorgonian until well over a year has passed.
I'd take it back and get credit. Please don't take this as me just being mean a Gorgonian is a filter feeder and a 3 month tank doesn't have the live culture growing long enough in it to have any sort of plankton type creatures in it enough to feed a filter feeder plus your tank is so small it wouldn't be able to survive even if you fed it several times a day some sort of plankton foods it would just slowly die most likely.
Bring it back set the clock a year and learn up on anything before you buy. As for the fighting aggressive fish. It could be personalities of course but its also aided by being highly stressed out in a tank thats new and unable to handle the bio load being placed on it so suddenly.
Start slow, then read alot and then once you already know all the answers to what your about to do, think about doing it then maybe do it. Thats how reefing works, pushing through wont do anything but kill fish and waste time.


Originally Posted by jdecter
First of all in a 3 month tank you shouldn't add anything else, you shouldn't have much of anything but live rock and some cleaning crew, plus the fish you already have. Don't add anything.
You shouldn't even have a Gorgonian until well over a year has passed.
I'd take it back and get credit. Please don't take this as me just being mean a Gorgonian is a filter feeder and a 3 month tank doesn't have the live culture growing long enough in it to have any sort of plankton type creatures in it enough to feed a filter feeder plus your tank is so small it wouldn't be able to survive even if you fed it several times a day some sort of plankton foods it would just slowly die most likely.
Bring it back set the clock a year and learn up on anything before you buy. As for the fighting aggressive fish. It could be personalities of course but its also aided by being highly stressed out in a tank thats new and unable to handle the bio load being placed on it so suddenly.
Start slow, then read alot and then once you already know all the answers to what your about to do, think about doing it then maybe do it. Thats how reefing works, pushing through wont do anything but kill fish and waste time.
I haven't bought the gorgonian yet. I am looking at what to do now that some people have said to take the purpleback pseudo out of my tank due to its aggressive behavior towards inverts and the green chromis that I have.
I would love for the 5 fish to stay in the tank, but I don't want to see them go into a battle royal for the LR Cup. The purpleback seems to only attack the chromis when i am near the tank, but when i am far enough away he seems to just roam around. Is he/she trying to get attention or what?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kayak385
... Is he/she trying to get attention or what?
Possibly the fish has learned when you get near the tank it is feeding time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdecter
First of all in a 3 month tank you shouldn't add anything else, you shouldn't have much of anything but live rock and some cleaning crew, plus the fish you already have. Don't add anything.
You shouldn't even have a Gorgonian until well over a year has passed.
I'd take it back and get credit. Please don't take this as me just being mean a Gorgonian is a filter feeder and a 3 month tank doesn't have the live culture growing long enough in it to have any sort of plankton type creatures in it enough to feed a filter feeder plus your tank is so small it wouldn't be able to survive even if you fed it several times a day some sort of plankton foods it would just slowly die most likely.
Bring it back set the clock a year and learn up on anything before you buy. As for the fighting aggressive fish. It could be personalities of course but its also aided by being highly stressed out in a tank thats new and unable to handle the bio load being placed on it so suddenly.
Start slow, then read alot and then once you already know all the answers to what your about to do, think about doing it then maybe do it. Thats how reefing works, pushing through wont do anything but kill fish and waste time.
i dont think tht the gorgonian was purchased but wanted to know about them rather then an impulse buy.


Originally Posted by bill109
i dont think tht the gorgonian was purchased but wanted to know about them rather then an impulse buy.
Correct, I wanted to buy a gorgonian and a longnose hawkfish after reading about the hawkfish's habitat was a gorgonian.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Possibly the fish has learned when you get near the tank it is feeding time?
i was thinkning the same :thinking:
pseudo's are known for their aggressive behavior.
my advice would be what other people have said. take the pseudo out, and get a LFS credit. then sit on that credit as you read up on all of the possibilities for what you may want out of your tank, and ask quetions and bounce questions and ask more questions and read and search etc etc etc then, go buy some more stuff when you have done that list 3 times.


The only thing is that I bought the fish from SWF and my LFS here isn't really the best. I bought a few frags from them and they were ok, but i had a bristle starfish on one, and it found a new home rather instantly on one of my other rocks, so after my girffriend had enough nightmares about it i had to take the starfish and my rock back and they still haven't called to give me my rock back.
Their acclimation times are also 20 minutes while it says an hour at least for all fish. So i don't know why this is :help:
Do I trust them or find another store?