Is this too much?

Hey all. In my 30g tank I have 2 mexican turbo snails. I put them in the tank last Wednesday. I had algae on my heater, a bit in my substrate, on a few pieces of rock. I looked at the tank today and they nearly got it all. Even on the heater. I'm worried that the little buggers are going to starve at this point. Is 2 too many for a 30g? I can put one in my 50g, but I got 6 peppermint shrimp, 2 emeralds and a lobster in there. I don't want anyone to starve.


I don't think 2 snails in a 30 gallon tank is too many. You should be fine.
I also don't think you really need to feed them all that often either.
At most I would say once a week. You want them to eat excess food/unwanted algea, not just be lazy and eat algea sheets.


one thing is that even through the visible algae is gone there is still going to be an algae film they will continue to eat on. so just because you dont see the algae you tank will always have some food in there for them. I also dont think that 2 turbos in a 30 gallon tank is going to have to worry about it to much.