Is this true or not.


New Member
I just moved into my new house, brought my 18 month
old tank with me (55g FOWLER). I set it up with 30lbs
of LR established. 5g of established water, and the rest
of water I bought at LFS, I also went and bought 20 more
lbs of LK, I put 40lbs of live organite LS.
My LFS and others say my tank is allready cycled, I had it
set up for 4 weeks and my reading are stable at....
ph 8.3
nitrite 0
nitrate 5
ammonia 0
When I set up my tank Iput my morron clown, corral beauty,
2 damsels, coral shrimp, 2 hermits, from my existing tank
all are doing good.
My shrimp even molted.
Can somebody please tell me what you think, am I going to
have to cycle again
50 lbs LK
4" LS
CPR protien skimmer /rio 800
2 rios 8
Have UV sterilizer but not hooked up 8w.


By using your existing rock and a small amount of water it should be stable but I would expect a small cycle. If you are monitoring constantly you should see it however if you don't test reguarly you might miss it since it should be short and sweet just keep an eye on it it should be ok:)


New Member
OK thats one good reply and thats what I want to here,
I been testing it every three days after two weeks established
and everything OK, I must of missed it. HUH...
Anybody else on there opinion.
Thanks to everybody here, I learned so much.