Is this true?


Triggers should be fed a mixed diet of meaty foods such as chopped shrimp, squid, clams and fish. Frozen rations with marine algae and vitamin-enriched foods help provide a balanced diet. Triggers should be fed no fewer than three times a day. Triggers are messy eaters which can contribute to high aquarium maintenance requirements to insure good tank water quality, particularly in small water volume tanks.
Do you guys feed your trigger 3 times a day?


I've not kept triggers but I would say your post is correct on the feeding habits from what I have seen, read, and even heard on this forum.

Originally posted by interj
Triggers should be fed a mixed diet of meaty foods such as chopped shrimp, squid, clams and fish. Frozen rations with marine algae and vitamin-enriched foods help provide a balanced diet. Triggers should be fed no fewer than three times a day. Triggers are messy eaters which can contribute to high aquarium maintenance requirements to insure good tank water quality, particularly in small water volume tanks.
Do you guys feed your trigger 3 times a day?

You have the diet right for them. Though mine do not like the algae much. the dog face seems to enjoy it though. I feed mine once every other day.
I have a 5" huma and a 4.5" undulated, a gold dog face puffer and a 2.5' fimbriated moray. They are all pigs !!!
What kind of trigger do you have ? or thinking of getting ?


I have the Picaso Huma and have been rotating between shrimp 1 day and clams the next. I guess I should start at least morning feeding also. He is about 3-4 inches in a new tank with a maroon golden stripe clown.


'No fewer than 3 times a day'??????????
They would be the size of a football in no time...
Everyother day is what I have always fed my aggressives. The last time I purchased an aggressive for my grouper/trigger tank was 4 years ago...None have died.


Active Member
Mine get frozen variety (squid, shrimp, silversides, krill etc) on one day and flake the other. Fast one night a week. I would think feeding that often could lead to water quality problems depending of filtration and food not eatin.