Is this what I think it is???


Ok you all I need help iding this thing...yesterday my tank finally cleared after adding the rock and sand I noticed something....this spongy thing went floating by..and I said to myself that looks like a cigarette butt! See photo. Tell me this is some stange plant or animal ...PLEASE! I know it's not, just thought I'd share-my fish don't smoke so it has been removed! This came out of the bag of LS which I paid quite a bit for...anyone else have this kind of thing happen to them before? Any strange non-fishy things come out of your substrate I'd like to hear them. Thanks.. :notsure:


Yeah thats def what it looks like. I would sure let the place you ordered it from know, so they are aware they have a very irresponsible employee in there midst.


Seeing that im a smoker it def looks like a ciggarette but to me.........i would do the same as posted above call or write to the place and let them know!


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyaqua
Lol yeah that or part of a tampon

ewwwwwwwwwww lmao musta been a genaric brand doesnt look to be that absorbant


I would complain to the place you bought it from and claim that "it could have killed all your fish from nicotine poisoning or any one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. "