Is your cleaner shrimp active?


My cleaner shrimp hans out all day in one area of the tank? I got him last thursday? I know that he's only been in the tank for a few days . . . do they get active or do they hang out all day?
What does yours do?


Active Member
They don't stray to far from the rocks until feeding time or at lights out. He'll become more active.:D


ok. i would understand that because he does go about his way when food is in the pic but other than that he kinda stays in one spot he doesn't really move about the rock


Mine doesn't move hardly at all......"Cleaner shrimp" my @$$. If he is a cleaner shrimp, then mine is on disability! He moves when I feed, then he scurries to the food, and scurries back to his lazy spot, once he's got his food, he doesn't move again. He should be called "Lazy Shrimp". But, he is cute... !

nm reef

Active Member
I keep a pair of skunks..a pair of blood reds...and currently 3 peppermints...and a tiger pistol. All are active and can be seen at various times(especially during feedings) except for the pistol..They aren't the most visable and/or active of species...but they add a nice touch to the overall diversity in my opinion.


I have a pepermint shrimp that does a fair bit of exploring around the tank. He does have a couple of favorite little caves that he spends most of his time in though.


I've got a peppermint shrimp also. They are nocturnal by nature. He is a monster, about 4 inches. He will come out on occasion when I feed. But he's very active at night....course I'm asleep.....most of the time..... :D


New Member
My skunk cleaner shrimp just kinda hangs around in one spot all day too. In fact my Yellow Tang has tried to be cleaned by him by swimming up to him and just kinda sitting there, but the dang shrimp just sits there like, wtf are you doing?? LOL So I I like to call him for the most part sits in one place all day long. Eh well...what are ya gonna do??


New Member you like that vtecbro007?? LOL....i thought his long antennae look mustachish and somewhat French....he has a certain je ne sais Jacque seemed appropriate! :D


i think it was bang guy, who posted that if you hand feed your cleaner it will start to become more active. i've tried it and my cleaner is quite a bit more active. worked for me.


mine is all over the place he's either hanging on my skimmer stealing food from my bta, last night I fed my fish flakes and he's upside down on top of the water graping as many flakes as he could.