Isopod Question???



Well, I finally saw the shrimp. He doesn't stay out very long when I turn the flashlight on, but I'm beginning to think he is a pistol shrimp. All the Mantis shrimp I ever saw have their claws tucked in and this little thing (about 1/2 -3/4 inch in size) seems to have claws out in front of him. I think there is a second one hanging out in a hole in one of my rocks as he appears to be about the same size and shape. I'm hoping they will molt soon so I can see the shape of their shell. Both appear to be pink. I just did a 5 gallon water change tonight and my amonia is finally at 0. PH 8.4, with salinity at 1.023. I don't have test kits for Nites yet, but this weekend I will get a full check on the water and hopefully a small clean up crew will be in order. Along with a lawnmower blenny, Scooter Blenny and a watchman goby.
I'm thinking along these lines to start;
4 Emerald Crabs
10 Blueleg Hermits
10 Scarlet Hermits
3 Pepermint shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
10 Turbo/Astrea Snails
10 Nassarius Snails


New Member
I had to just wait and watch, when I spot one its always in a rock. So I just pull the rock real quick, take it and do a freshwater dip for about 15-30 sec. Most of them will escape the rock fast. There have been some that try to hang on so you have to take a flashlight and use tweezers to pull them out.
Good Luck


Active Member
my lfs got in 100lbs of fl rock once i watched them do that dip and saw about 6 mantis shrimp come flying out. nasty stuff that florida rock. ill stick with my fiji


Active Member

Originally posted by lockemup
go to the light isopod. go to the light...

ROTFL! I just loved that


Well, I did a hypersaline dip and did not flush out the clicker. In fact, 2 very large porcelain crabs and a couple brittle stars stayed in the rocks too. So did several larger urchins. I did manage to get rid of a few smaller isopods that probably would have made nice snacks for a scooter blennie... I also located a small fish that looks like a baby goby of some sort. When I put him back in my 90 gallon, he went to the corner I have a pile of CC in and burrowed beneath it. He is about 3/4 inch in length and there is a faint touch of yellow in him. I had the saline up to a little over 1.04 and kept the rocks in for 60-90 seconds. Oh well. I will see if I can "bait" the clicking beast out.
I also picked up 2 emerald crabs and 1 peppermint shrimp today. They are busier than heck eating the hair alge on the sand. I will post some pics later.