Issue with Lighting.


Ok So I am having an issue with the new 120. I have nothing in it (Including water). I want to get it all together b4 I get it up and running. I want to run a FULL reef 120. BUT I can remember the math. Is it 1 watt per gallon or 3?
Also I was hoping that all of you would give me some Lighting help. By help I mean what set of lighting you would recommend. IE 3 500 MH and 1 set of 65 PC ECT.
Here is the tank dimensions. All Mesurments are taken from the outside of the glass
L 60"
w 18 1/4"
h 16"
Glass Thickness. 1/4"
Any Ideas would be great.
Here are the Pics so you know what we are dealing with.



what corals are you wanting to keep in this tank that will tell you what type of lighting you need to look towards.
one thing is that watts per gallon is outdated way to look at lighting its more towards the PAR rating of the lights.
there are several options open to you though. just really depends on what you want to stock the tank with.


Active Member
What kind of corals do you want?
BTW when you said IE 3 500 MH...did you mean you were going to have a total of 1,500Ws of MH? Hope not.....


I think that was just a number thrown off the top of the head asking for what light combos would be good like the 3- 500 watters which yeah that would fry a tank that size in a hurry LOL and your light bill.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I think that was just a number thrown off the top of the head asking for what light combos would be good like the 3- 500 watters which yeah that would fry a tank that size in a hurry LOL and your light bill.
put three of those over the tank and we will have some cooked fish!


well first. I was going to keep my colt coral, Bubble coral, Leather, Clams. I am also looking at Mushrooms and some others. I also have long tips, zoos. I also want to get some Brain coral. Some Frog spawn and some hammer. Along with some more aneno. Like a blue carpet
As far as the 3 x500 I was just using that as an example.
So as far as it goes now. What are we doing now since we are not going watts per gallon? I must have missed something.
I hope this info helps you out. Also if you can tell me how we are calculating the lighting now that would be great.


Active Member
Watts per gallon is outdated because people believe they can house anemones and light demanding corals with tons of PC light. While you can keep some at certain depths, you could end up having 6 watts per gallon of PC lighting and it not be enough to keep a clam on the bottom sand. Hope that helps a little bit.
As for what i would suggest, two 250 MH pendants, or you can purchase it in a lighting system - but it kinda looks like you have a nice hood already set to go. So pendants would overall be cheaper and would give you more room to work with within your canopy.


Active Member
Depends on how blue you want the light to be. 10k will be pretty white, and won't give much of a blue color. I would go with 15k, which is what i have on my tank and i love it.
Originally Posted by forcrz6
What would be better for the 2 250MH? 10k 15k or 20k?
15k. 10k is too white and 20k doesnt have enough light of the right spectrum for phtosynthesis. there are also 14k bublbs, which are what i use.


Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
15k. 10k is too white and 20k doesnt have enough light of the right spectrum for phtosynthesis. there are also 14k bublbs, which are what i use.
Ty All for your help on those. Now comes an even harder question that Really was brought up by the last poster.
I know that all the Manufactures of the bulbs have a different Spectrum for each of the MH that they build. Example would be
Manufacture 1 has a 14 k bulb that has its Highest peeks at The WL of 450, 550 and 575nm
Manufacture 2 has a 14 k bulb that has its Highest peeks at The WL of 435, 550 and 575nm
Now I may be nitpicking here. But is there a better bulb manufacture to go with? I know alot are geared to our hobby. But is there really 1 that is better than the other?