

We need some help, and we need it fast. Not this last weekend, but the weekend before, we finally drilled our tank for a sump pump. Before that, we have been using a canister filter that a guy at a lfs sold us. After talking with a friend who deals with saltwater fish on a regular basis, (and we were starting to get a weird algae problem) he convinced us to drill. Anyways so now we have a nice setup, but since then, Our corals are dying and look like crap AND our protein skimmer keeps flooding out. And it happens REALLY fast. Like within a hour a gallon+ of water is spilled out all on the floor. Now, I am really starting to get pissy because this is the 4th flood we have had in 2 weeks, and my wood floors are not taking it so well. My kitchen floor is already destroyed. Someone please offer us some advice before I chunk this friggin tank out the window, and for a 200 gallon tank, that is quite a feat.


Active Member
I changed your title. please do not use inappropriate abbreviations.
What type of skimmer? How is it flooding?


a coralife for a 220 gal tank. it over flows out the lid of the
waste cup. i have cleaned very well. it went from not working at all to working with tons of micro bubble, got rid of most of the bubbles,but now again it just over flow again. also a hang on side model.


Active Member
It should have some way of adjusting the level of water. If not, try hanging it higher on the tank.
Since you have added a sump, you should be able to place it somehow in your sump to avoid floods.