It better not be. . .


a mantis! While waiting for my Mom to get off the puter, I was staring at the tank with the lights off...a small thing darted across the sand bed in front of me and it looked like a gigantic pod, but after looking for a few seconds, it was a shrimp... about 3/4" long, very light coloured, almost transparent, but had a claw that stuck out and was half the size of its body...I almost had a heart attack! I just added 40# of LR, and it must have come in that somehow...Im just hoping its a pistol shrimp...anyways, think commercial traps will work on such a small shrimp?
Drew :)


Active Member
OMG, i hat e them things, they are very interesting, but it is the last thing i want in my main tank
befor buying a trap, you could try to make one out of a clear plastic bottle, jsut cut the top off, and invert it and super glue it back into place, then put slit holes in the side, for h20 and aroma release, then put it in front of his suspected rock, with bait, and pray, it could be a young one, if it is transparent, they all are when they are young, jsut do not try to handle it if you do catch it


Super glue's okay to use?... I was going to go out for some silicon... or what about just tieing it together with an elastic?
Drew :)


What's a MANTIS SHRIMP <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> Have any pictures and what's so bad about them?


Active Member
here is a link to alot of info on mantis, some even have pics
<a href="" target="_blank">about mantis</a>
there are news articles and all in there


What food would they like best?...all I can offer him ATM is a piece of normal shrimp [human food-type...]
wouldhe go after it?
Drew :)


Active Member
that is what i used, but mine turned out to be a crab instead(i never saw it), mantis are shrimp and scavengers, they will eat anything that presents itself, but i would add the trap in the dark, these guys are clever, it may or may not work, but you need to be persistent and if the trap does not work, try or isolate his rock and removeit,a then takeother measures, but i would try the traps first(easier if they work)