it finally happened


well my hippo gots the ich, he is covered in white spots and i dont know what to do, i read that if i didnt have any lr and inverts that i can gradually lower the salinity, but i do have lr and inverts. i dont have a qt so what now?? any ideas please help, thanks


Well-Known Member
You will not be able to save the fish in your dt unless you separate the inverts and lr from the fish. Your options are to remove the fish to a qt and control the ammonium spike with Amquel Plus and water changes while you do hypo; or remove the inverts and lr to a tub with tank water and then do hypo in your dt, but watch for an ammonium spike as the animals in your ls die off. Some claim that there are "reef safe" medications that will work in the presence of lr and inverts, but it is controversial, and is certainly not as reliable as hypo or copper.


Fill it with water from your tank. Some sort of filtration will be needed (at least a cheap mechanical filter), and a heater of course. A few places for him to hide are important.
Biofiltration will be an issue since this tank is not cycled. You can put a few pieces of LR in there or add a sponge from your tank/sump to get that good bacteria started. Whatever you do, expect to do a few gallons of water changes every day and monitor ammonia closely in the beginning. I don't know about Amquel Plus, but if it's being recommended here it is probably a good product to control spikes.
Don't be tempted by reef-safe treatments, a real QT is the best way to take care of this problem.
If your fish is in real trouble, do a fresh water dip prior to adding him to the tank.
You can do hyposalinity or copper treatment. Remember copper is toxic to inverts, so keep it away from your DT and make sure you don't put things from QT in DT unless they are copper-free. You're looking at 6 weeks of QT to let the ich in your tank die so you wont' get a recurrence. Don't be tempted to put your fish back in once you think it's cured, it stays in the tank longer. If you want to do hypo, you need a refractometer (Not a hydrometer, they aren't sensitive enough), and you need to lower the salinity over a few days.
10 gallons is small for a hippo, but I think it's fine unless he's a big guy.