It has been awile.... Quick question aout a tank build

Hello everyone,
It has been a year or so since I have been on here, but I have a question. I just came across 4, 4x8 ft., 1/2 inch thick tempered glass panels taken from a house that is being remodeled. They were free, so I figured what the heck I'll bring them home. I am planning on building a new home in the next year or so and I want to upgrade my tank and install it into a wall, you know, do it right. However, I am reading now that tempered glass cannot be cut. Is this true? What are your opinions on using tempered glass for a reef tank? Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am beginning to think the storage may not be worth it if I cannot cut them. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Nope - can't cut or use them. They will shatter if you try. Sorry to hear they are tempered.
On a side note, you can go to a glass shop and get them cut and in the widths that you need. You can also get them to drill holes. Just remember, the higher your tank is, the thicker the glass has to be. If you do DIY your own tank, I recommend to eurobrace the top.
Good luck and keep us posted.
I really dont have any intentions on doing it myself. I just thought that having the glass would save some $$$. What if I didn't cut them, could they withstand the pressure?? Each sheet weighs about 275 LBS.- 350 LBS. It took 3 of us to move them and I am a big guy. I would just hate to store them if I can't use them for the tank.


Well-Known Member
What I meant to say was that a glass shop can cut you NEW glass for a custom build.
You could use them for a green house or maybe a sun roof? That's all I can think of. I would definitely not use them for a saltwater tank.
Thanks for the reply.... I thought that was gonna be the case. Oh well, maybe I can find a use for them. Or, if anyone in the central Florida area that may be looking for some cheap tempered glass panels ( I know that they are expensive) get with me, I will give you a killer deal.