It is easy!!!


Just got done drilling a tank and thanks to all the people here and the advice I read to others it was easy. Only took about 20 minutes and done!! Got the bits at Harbor and used a dremel and real slow water flow. Also made a surface skimmer for a skilter and see if that makes it work better (it still might morf into a fuge though).


Yes indeed!!!!

I was leary of it at first but after i did it.... "Why did i think that was so complicated and hard to do?"
Go DIYing....


I used a dremel and the diamond burrs. You will need a cone with a pointed tip to start the hole and then a straight cylinder to open it up the the size you need. If you look there are several threads about it. I have one, acrylic has a few that he has responded to. It really isnt as scary as it sounds. Just take your time and have patience.
Yeah, you can use a regular drill, but not regular drill bits. You need special glass bits. You can use Diamond hole saw bits specially made for drilling glass. You can find them on Ebizzle for cheap. Ive never used them but people say they work well. The Dremel is pretty easy though.


I actually engraved the circle first with a bit that is pointed on the end and then is straight. Then worked the dremel up and down around the perimeter to cut it out. You want the water flow slightly more than a trickle. Get yourself comfortable so you are not shaky. Do not attempt to drill tempered glass!!! Most aga tanks are tempered on the bottom. The night before I put down that bead of silicon to make a water dam, then just took a razor and scraped it up after I was done. Got the bits at Harbor freight for about 3.00 for a set of 10. Use a little pressure, not a lot, and do not get in a hurry. Patience. Good luck.


Nobody noticed the diy bulkhead fitting?? The bits are above the dremel in pic 2, and the bulkhead fitting is below it.
I'll post dimensions later on the skilter fix. It works. my skilter is actually collecting foam and the water surface is clear now.


ohhhhh is that what that is... .i was curious.... Please post details of how you did it. I hate buying bulkheads online.


so your not actually drilling, your basically cutting the circle outline as it sounds like?


I used a 1" pvc connector, a modified sink gasket (carefully trimmed the extra thickness off) and a pvc elecrical connector. You would have to go to the home improv store and fit a few items together. you can also use o-rings, rubber drain gaskets, or even silicon sealer. just don't overtighten. Got to test it last night and it worked great. You can get the connectors up to 1-1/2" but you may need to shop around for the gaskets. Try automotive parts stores too.


Originally Posted by sonicboom1
so your not actually drilling, your basically cutting the circle outline as it sounds like?
Yes, that is basically it. after getting the core out, I just smoothed out the circle. It isn't perfect, but it works. I had the dremel, and the bits were only about 3.00.