It just arrived..........


Hi all,
I just received my 45 lbs of live rock and 40 pounds of live sand today from SWF. I could not be happier! The rock came in many unique shapes and sizes, with only a few broken off pieces from shipment. The smell was minimal. I was almost a little scared to pick up the rocks out of the box because of it looking a little too fresh and having a critter pop out!

Now the big question for you experts. I have put all the rock and sand in the tank of water. It just doesn't look like enough sand to me for some reason. My tank is a 46 gallon bow front. Should I get more sand from the lfs and mix it with the live or what do you suggest? I really thought 40 lbs of sand would be enough.
What do you think??


its all a matter of opinion really. how deep is your sand bed now? it also depends on what you plan on having (if you want sand sifting livestock or not) and if you want more sand your LFS should have some.


Active Member
Your either going to want under 2 inches or over 4 for a deep sand bed. Its really just a matter of opinion and what is pleasing to your eye. If there is enough sand to cover the bottom of the tank and you are not planning to add any live stock that is going to need a deeper sand bed your should be fine.
If you decide you want more sand in the tank now is the time to do it. If it were me I would push all the live sand over to one side and add LFS bagged argonite to the other side. I would not however exceed two inches of substrate.
But thats just me, I could be wrong.


What is the kind of sand the lfs sells? I don't want that crushed coral stuff. I also could kick myself for not ordering another twenty pounds. You all mentioned fish which require deeper sand beds.... what kind of fish require that?? I'm interested.....???
Thanks again, you folks are the best!


Ok.. one more question--- Do I test my chemical levels today?? If not when is the first time I should do it and then again how often, etc... to determine the cycle process. I want to keep a log just not sure how often to be checking the levels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Murph
Your either going to want under 2 inches or over 4 for a deep sand bed. Its really just a matter of opinion and what is pleasing to your eye. If there is enough sand to cover the bottom of the tank and you are not planning to add any live stock that is going to need a deeper sand bed your should be fine.
If you decide you want more sand in the tank now is the time to do it. If it were me I would push all the live sand over to one side and add LFS bagged argonite to the other side. I would not however exceed two inches of substrate.
But thats just me, I could be wrong.
Hey Gal,
I'm with murph on this one. There are several inverts and fish that like/need a good sandbed to play/house in. Sand sifters (conch,snails,stars) need a reasonable sand bed to survive. Also fish, like jawfish make their homes in the sand.......
As long as you get an argonite based sand it will be fine to add.
Wait until the tank settles and do a base line test. What are you cycling with? The rock? Throw a cocktail shrimp in there and that will kick the cycle.
Glad your happy with the rock/sand



Hi Tim!
I wish you lived around me I would invite you over for a beer and dinner! You are great.
This tank looks incredible! I did everything the ones on the boards said to do. It is already fifty percent completely clear! I'm so much glad I went with the live rock from this web site. The rock already had a lot of of stuff on it. I'm like a little kid at Christmas.
I'm leaving for AC in the morning for two days and just needed to know if I should check all the levels tonight. This was a last minute trip plan.
When should I add a shrimp? I am definitely not adding one of these f'ing damcels. I have 2 in the q tank and one is a mean s.o.b. to the other three fish. I can't want to trade him off to the fish store or give him to someone. I hate it! So much for adoption from ----. That hex tank I bought with those fish is sitting empty waiting to be scrubbed more. The tank I am using now is a brand new one, which I am glad I ended up starting after that terrible experience on the auction site.
Oh Tim.. do I have to add a bottle of cycle like some people do?? I can't remember reading if you ever had done that or not. Or that purple up stuff?? I have read so much the past couple of months I am not sure which way to turn........ :scared:


Active Member
I'm sooooo glad you are happy with your purchase but, mark my words you going to wish you went BIGGER!

Just leave the tank it will be fine for 2 days. The die off from the rock will start the cycle and when you get back (poker?) throw the shrimp in and let it go. Test your levels every other day to three days and keeping a long is a great idea. Once you start to post readings we'll get in to the cycle.......
I've had mixed results with cycle, I can't say that it did anything for me in either SW or FW so your choice. No need for purple up! Good water quailty will take care of coraline growth. Trust me you want it and then its a pain b/c you have to scrap it......
No Worries


I must confess... leaving in am to go to Borgata to play poker, bj, etc... My gambling addiction will have to take a back seat to my acquarium after this trip. I am so much into this tank right now and hate to leave. Oh well.. I work hard and intend to continue to play hard.
Anyway.... about testing the water. (of the tank of course) What levels do I need to check before I leave? I have this kit that checks everything but a blood type and it can get a bit cvonfusing. So what do u suggest???


Active Member
Yep, go ahead and add dry aragonite type sand and mix it up with the LS already in there. It all will become alive over time and you dont need to test any thing now but salinity and temps. After you get home from your trip you can then start to test to follow the cycle. Research the cycle and how to feed it and run equipment, ect. Congrats on the tank and enjoy.


Thanks Dogstar for calming my saltwater nerves. I can't believe the tank is already 90 crystal clear. When do I buy a clean up crew?? Just curious


Active Member
Add some snails ' after cycle ' to eat algae and then others that you want if you want if you need them. Some clean up critters do add bio-load like crabs ect. and need to be fed or they find there own food like the snails or fish.


Hi again, from your poker babe saltwater newbie,,,,
I'm back from my gambling addiction trip and now to consentrate on my new new tank.
I checked my levels today:
Temp 77 degrees
ph 8.2
specific grav. 1.021
alk - normal
NO3- 50/10
NO2- 0.5
NH3/NH4- 0
I really don't like this kit I bought. Even though it was expensive, I really have a hard time understanding it. Since it has been twenty years since I took chemistry-- what are the readings I'm looking for?? The brand is 'red sea.' Is there another kit I can get that is less confusing anyone would suggest?
I put a shrimp in today like TurningTim stated to do. Am I supposed to put just one in or is two ok for a 50 gallong tank? How many hours a day should I keep the light on?? What is the normal temp I should be keeping my heater on??
Any other things I should be doing or looking for??? Thanks again for all your past and future help.
I'll be reading and rereading as always.


ur temp is good now just dont let it get above 81 i keep mine anywhere from 75 to 79 but i dont let it get any higher or lower then that. How is the shrimp doing anyways. I keep my specific grav 1.025-1.026 i dont know if ur keeping a reef or not though.