
well i decided to try a couple of triggers with my shark and i have a huma huma and a undilated?trigger,and soon a niger,and so far every things cool and when ever the triggers get to close to my cat shark,he'll chase them off.he seems to be quite a bit more aggresive than i thought,i guess thats a good thing when it comes to triggers. A.S. :D
[ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: devillion ]


Active Member
I hope your luck holds...I had asked about sharks with my triggers and I was told that it would not work...The triggers will eat the cartledge out of the sharks and kill them... The only way I would have added one to our tank was to get rid of our triggers, thats not an option for me, I'm way to attached to our Niger Trigger. Someday when we set up another large tank we will have a shark, but for now I happy to have my triggers....Later Lisa
P.S what size is your tank???
[ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]


I hope everything works out, for the shark's sake. But, eventually that shark's cartilage will be eaten. But, this would be so cool, if you got triggers and sharks to get a long. But, I don't know why you did it.


Concider the shark as dead, the odds that one of the most aggrssive fish I've ever seen, that has a taste for cartilage. Even if triggers didnt bother sharks, the bare minium sized tank would have to be a 375 gallon tank,but beacuse they do, I would dare to say no sharks with triggers in anything under 800 gallons. And I doubt that that is what size tank you have. But I think that if you leave that tank alone and dont take out any fish, all you're gonna end up having is the undulated trigger by himself. I really really really want you to reconcider your tank. Also, be prepared to be flamed my alot of people.
[ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: Mark24 ]


Active Member
take back the triggers, or you will have a dead shark soon. take them back and get a grouper like a miniatus or blueline. triggers will systimatically pick apart the shark. you have a 300 right?or if you want the triggers, the shark will have to go. whichever you want more, you need to take the others back. mark24, why do you say he will get flamed by everyone? its not like we are going to go crazy and insult him over a mistake he made, im sure youve made tons of mistakes. bo


I've made some mistakes. But look at Devillion's previous posts. I think that he might have a tendency to over stock tanks. And being flazed by other people is 'tuff love.'


Active Member
You have mentioned having a lion, all these triggers, a panther grouper, shark all in 200 gallon tank? Dude you are going to have a seriuos problem with space if the triggers don't clean house.
Do you have another tank or have you had some fatalities/returns or you just asking about what you could add? I know you had a ray die not too long ago and your lion was sick.
I don't mean to be harsh but maybe you should slow down and really think this through. I think you need to do some research on the fish before you buy it. You'll save yourself some $$ and heartache. We have all gone and bought fish without doing research but generally learn after the first or second time.
I hope things work out for you and I don't mean to be a jerk. Just hope you'll slow down.


OK,OK!the only reason i got the shark is because my lfs got the shark in an order by acident and she only had cc tanks set up,and she knew that i had ls(because she ordered my ray for me)and told me to just take it,so i did,and for the grouper,i got rid of because the triggers were doing a number on him,and i don't want to get rid of my triggers,so out goes the shark as soon as i can find some one to take him,and like i said before i am still new at this,and i realize that i got a little caried away,but you'r young and stupid before your old and smart. A.S. P.S. my lion really won't be safe with my undilated?my lion is a good 4 to 4 1/2 inches bigger than my undilated.
[ August 12, 2001: Message edited by: devillion ]


New Member
A ray, too? I'm afraid you'll have to get rid of it as well. Rays have the same type of cartilage that sharks do. You're triggers will definately kill the shark and the ray, it's just a matter of time. Get rid of them as soon as possible.
Keeping anything with an undulated is risky. What type of lion is it?


First of all,as i posted before my ray has passed on(r.i.p.),and i just got ride of my shark today,so as for today i have 3 triggers and a lion,and thats it!but is my lion going to be ok with the undilated trigger? A.S.


I think it should be ok, since it's 4 1/2 in. bigger. But, if the undulated does pick on it, get either the undulated or the lion out.