It never works....


So I have your normal digital camera. I am using a tripod and the pictures just don't seem to come out. Any tips? Best time to take pictures? Etc etc. I know how to use a camera, but man this is getting to me.


Turn out all of the lights in the room, leave the tank lights on, and don't use a flash. Good luck!


Yup-this works well, no flash, and depending on what camera you have-mine a kodak..I have a little flower thing on mine-thats for close ups-lets you pre set before you snap to catch the picture-like freezes it. I can take a pic of a flower with dew on it and it looks like it came out of a catalog. Great for blow ups too-dosen't get blurry.


Active Member
I use the micro settings, little flower icon for close ups and have to be real patiant and still. Full tank shots are just hard anyways.
I still take 10 shots to get one good one. A good photo program helps too.