Its a fact..they eat them.


Theres been some conflicting opinions about Peppermint shrimp eating Aiptasia. As some of you know, I keep a 10gal Aiptasia tank,,,also a "shrimp only" tank. So.....I thought I`d see what would happen if I dropped a few in. Now these shrimps are fed every 12 hours ALOT of marine flakes and veggie flakes, so they never go hungry. They spend 12 hours cleaning the tank between feedings.
I dropped a small piece of rubble LR in with a few tiny Aiptasia attached...and 2 of the 7 shrimps went nuts!! They smelled food right away and pulled the Aips from tiny holes. Looked like a taffy pull :D
Anyway, I dropped a few more in to get this pic.
Hope ya like.


Active Member
we got a small rock with some mushrooms on it a few days ago and it also had a couple aptaisa on it. the other day my husband moved it to the side of the aquarium where our peppermints hang out and the second they saw it the aptaisia got demolished:D


Always nice to find out that some of the advice you get really is true? Thanks for sharing

nm reef

Active Member
Very kewl info!!!
I've always had success with peppermints and its great to see some documentation of the advice offered for aiptasis control!!:cool:


WOW :cool: I just found some hydroids in my tank - maybe I can move my peppermints closeer and they'll eat it. ?


I have a few Apistasia, but I have tried peppermints and either my large maroon or my pseudo or eating them? Any ideas?


I have always had good luck with peps on aiptasia control but it's important to get the right shrimp. Sheree has what appears to be Lysmata wurdemani , one of the best. On the other hand,Lysmata rathbunae is another very common pep which doesn't appear to do as much. I think it's because of the different types of peppermint shrimp sold that there is so much difference in everyone's success.
sounds like what happened to our tank, we had one peppermint shrimp and he never did anything, then about week ago we got another one, and he went to town on the aiptasia once he saw it. the new one also likes to be in the open more then the first one, but we love them both :)


There is also a species of nudibranch that will attack aiptasia but im not sure which species it is. Someone else in here may know......if not i could probably find it again.......but they will shred them up till they are all gone... without stopping!