It's a Girl


Today we went to the doctor's for our first ultrasound. It is our first child after trying on and off for a couple of years. I was leaning towards a girl and my husband was leaning towards a boy. Well it is a girl :D


I second that I was leaning towards a boy but since my little girl showed up she has me wraped around here little finger..I'm kind of known as a tough guy or should I say used to now I'm having tea parties playing dress up and please don't tell anyone I cry
now..I mean come on just look at my avater 5 years ago that would have been one of my race cars..O by the way I sold them not because I needed to I sold them because I wanted to be home.. Your husband will be so happy. Congrats


Thanks everyone, he is already saying how it will be a daddy's girl and a tom boy. When we first found out he was joking saying he was going to have to sell his camero and my harley. Now it is he will have to put a side cart on the harley. Then the mini chopper he was planning to build will have to have PINK flames now. LOL
JKVJL I would love to see you having that tea party. How cute is that.
Here is a pic of the toys he was saying he would have to sell.


I'm 6'4 250lb having a tea party while dressed in a toto...You do the math...
and at the moment I'm watching Dora the Explorer.


Active Member
congratulations! I will have to dig up the pic of my husband having a tea part with my daughter. :)
Don't count on too many toys leaving. We still have this!!



Originally posted by jkvjl
I'm 6'4 250lb having a tea party while dressed in a toto...You do the math...
and at the moment I'm watching Dora the Explorer.

If that is true, AND that is normal... Then you really ARE one hell of a dad. And you don't realize how rare that is!!
CONGRADULATIONS Shels, Are you reading "What to Expect, When You're Expecting"? and everything else you can get your hands on?? Gosh being pregnant is so exciting... Keep us posted.


Thank you very much. I had to grow up without a father so there's no way my kid is. Here is a picture of me and her


New Member
:cheer: :cheer: congratulation's on the Girl.
JKVJL thats a pretty little girl. I want one!! WOW you were correct you are a large guy. Not Fat but a cutie at that everything looks to be were it should be.

sinner's girl

Shels, congrats. Though I don't trust ultrasounds; the doc's say I was a boy. though that was 23 years ago, when my friend had a baby they told her it was a girl, she bought all kinds of pretty dresses and such. And she had a boy. May you have a healthly pregnecy (sorry, I can't spell that word) and a healthy baby. When is the little due? (oh yeah, and sleep now while you can)
jkvjl, Good daddy.


Active Member
Little girls turn their daddy's to mush, my husband is 6' 250lbs and is a complete goofball with our twins.
Congrats on the little girl Shels, enjoy every single moment as they pass so quickly you won't believe it.
Hmmm makes me want another baby, although my chances of having twins again are 4x greater now (1 in 12) so I think I will wait awhile . :eek:

nemo lover

congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Daddy little girls. I have all girls and men might be lean towards a boy but they definately turn to moosh with a girl.
I trust the ultrasounds now a days especially those new 3-d ones
here is our newest and last addition to our family


Thanks everyone I really appreciate it. I could barley sleep I am so excited. I am due October 6, it was the 4, but the ultrasound said the 6.
Lovetheses, nice car. I will never let him part with that. It is his baby, we have had it for 10 years so there is no reason for it too leave.
JKVJI, that is a darling picture your daughter is a doll. That is awsome that you are so close to her. My real father is not in the picture, luckly I have a step father that is better then the real one.:D
Sinnersgirl, she was very proud to show us that she is a little girl.:D We will have to correct that when she gets a little older. lol
Nemolover very cute little girl, how old is she?

nemo lover

Chloe Elaine is now ten months old and she has a personality!
My husband picked her name all by himself. Now you guys can get started on names.