It's a girl!


Well-Known Member
Naa, no need for it. It's too darn expensive, and that money could better go towards other useful baby items. Besides, you have to do it so late in the pregnancy, that you could just wait a few more weeks and see her in person.


Congratulations! I think the most important item in my house is the baby swing. Greatest invention ever. Make sure you get one. I keep mine parked in front of my reef tank.


Active Member
so without even seeing Darth's post' inital thougts were...."get out your gun, mix a great martini and find yourself a "new" crazy friend/realtive.
That was my grandfathers moto. "you know about my guns.....I like my martini AND my reaitive is nuts". ......

so do you REALLY want to come and see/take my daughter out????? the words of MY hubby 18 years ago on the day of our daughters birth......"welcome to the world my sweet baby won't leave my house until you're 30"


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///t/388478/its-a-girl#post_3426161
Are you going to have the 3D ultra sound. Those are very cool. My daughter and I went to one, you could see everything, eye movement, yawns, smiles. Very neat.
When my wife was pregnant with the twins we asked about the 3d scan. We were told that diagnostically, it doesnt show them anything different than a 2d and they only really need to use it if they think there is a specific reason, such as a deformity that they may be able to correct before birth. Other than that, its just an expensive test that does nothing.