It's a miracle!!!


:jumping: I waited 4 months for this.:jumping: I thought I wasted $80 on a anemone. :jumping: I used the picture of a clown hosting in a rbta for a month and a half and NOTHING! I took the picture down and tore it up in anger and the very next morning this!:jumping:


This is the small male (abouth an 1 1/2") that is now hosting my female has yet to host. I think she's getting close though cause they still sleep next to each other. The male in the anemone and the female (just over 2") right outside. The tentacles of the anemone touch her at times and she don't seem bothered but hopefully soon she'll dive right in.


Sounds good.
You suppose that might work with my wife :joy:


Active Member
yep, just like a female, we do things when WE are good n ready!!

Thomas...LOL, how often does she read the boards? :nervous: :D



Originally posted by lovethesea
Thomas...LOL, how often does she read the boards? :nervous: :D

I have on occation shared some of the juciy things on this board, she just rolls her eyes and asks when people are going to grow up :rolleyes: I think sometimes she means me. :nervous:


I have also heard if you shine a flash light on the bta, it also attracks them. You could do this for the female. Also how long has your tank been up and how long have you had your clowns come paired to the bta?:happyfish


Maybe he was scared of the picture of the clown hosting?? Maybe in his warped little clown mind the other clown was competition and he was afraid to host the anemone for fear the clown might get mad?? :D



Originally posted by peter78
I have also heard if you shine a flash light on the bta, it also attracks them. You could do this for the female. Also how long has your tank been up and how long have you had your clowns come paired to the bta?:happyfish

I think I'll try that if the female doesn't start to host after this weekend.
My tanks been up for:thinking: I think a yr and a half. The female was purchased through, she was actually a male when I had her because I had a larger female already in the tank. They got along real good and then my female got sick and she died
. I then left her/him without a partner for about 2 months. She actually grew about 1/2" during this time. So, then I purchased a 1" black perc to join her and that's all she wrote. They got along great from the get go. Clowns have been together for about 6 months.



Originally posted by misty927
Maybe he was scared of the picture of the clown hosting?? Maybe in his warped little clown mind the other clown was competition and he was afraid to host the anemone for fear the clown might get mad?? :D

When I first put the picture up on their side of the tank they swam quickly to the other half of the tank as if they seen a ghost. The anemone was in the tank for about 2 months before I placed the picture up against the glass. I guess once the picture was gone the little guy thought it was his