It's a nano!


Here she is, our baby arrived this afternoon. It's a JBJ 24g nano deluxe ...... I love it! I can't wait to get started.


Active Member
Congrats! What are your plans for it? Will you be swapping out the pump..{ I recommend that you do} Good luck, go slow..


Any advice on the best way to aquascape? Should we use 100% silicone on live rock.
Here are some set-up shots............and our very curious dog, Hieronymus.



Originally Posted by promisetbg
Congrats! What are your plans for it? Will you be swapping out the pump..{ I recommend that you do} Good luck, go slow..

I thought the deluxe model had all the right bells and whistles.

What do you recommend? We will be adding 22lbs of live rock tomorrow and eventually some fish and inverts. We have not quite decided on corals yet.


Active Member
I would look into purchase of a 1200 maxi jet as a pump. I would not silicone the rocks together..if you want to reaquascape or should need to remove something in the future such as a troublesome fish, this may make it impossible. Just stack the rocks so there are caves and the water can flow through them properly. Do not let the rock touch the sides or back of the tank. Leave enough room betwwen rock and glass for a mag-float{scraper} or your hand.


Active Member
Here is my aquascape,it is just a 12 gal though. If you look through threads that have pics, it should give you some ideas.


I love your set-up. I want to have as many caves and arches as possible. I can't wait to put in my sand and rock.


Active Member
Congrats on the new tank. I, too, recommend switching out the pump to a Maxi 1200. You will get much better flow and a more reliable pump.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Congrats on the new tank. I, too, recommend switching out the pump to a Maxi 1200. You will get much better flow and a more reliable pump.
Thanks lion!


Great tank! I can't recommend a new filter or whatever because i really have no clue, but about aquascaping, IMO it is better if you just build the rock without anything. To get arches and caves, when you buy the rock look for strange shapes and edges. In my 58 i have vanuatu rock witch is loaded with points, bumps, and i dont have a single round shape. A lot of fiji rock is kind of circular and you wont get a desired shape. Keep us posted on your tank, i cant wait to see ow it turns out, and it gives me an idea of how to set up the nano tank i plan on getting. Good luck with your tank.


Originally Posted by LAXplaya
Great tank! I can't recommend a new filter or whatever because i really have no clue, but about aquascaping, IMO it is better if you just build the rock without anything. To get arches and caves, when you buy the rock look for strange shapes and edges. In my 58 i have vanuatu rock witch is loaded with points, bumps, and i dont have a single round shape. A lot of fiji rock is kind of circular and you wont get a desired shape. Keep us posted on your tank, i cant wait to see ow it turns out, and it gives me an idea of how to set up the nano tank i plan on getting. Good luck with your tank.
Thanks Playa!
We just got some really interesting shapes of live rock! Some could be caves...I can't wait to start the design.


My SG is 1.019 right now.
Will adding the live sand and live rock bring up the salinity? Or should I get the levels right before adding them?


Active Member
Adjust the specific gravity before you add anything. Adding the rock and sand will do nothing for the salt level.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Adjust the specific gravity before you add anything. Adding the rock and sand will do nothing for the salt level.
Thank you so much. I can move forward!


Ok, after much testing, adjusting, and re-testing, the salinity is right at 1.021.
Sooo we added the crushed coral......
let the water clear up..........
added the live sand..............
and are now waiting for the water to clear again to begin playing around with rock formations!



here is a bad pic of mine, this was taken about three months ago


Originally Posted by BigShoeSW
here is a bad pic of mine, this was taken about three months ago
Beautiful! What size, etc.? How long has it been set up?


Active Member
Oh no...who talked you into crushed coral? Live sand would have been a much better choice. The crushed coral causes nitrate problems unless you clean it, and coraline algae will grow on it and make it look dirty. Critters that are beneficial to your tank cannot be kept and will not inhabit the CC. If it's not too late, you might consider swapping out to aragonite sand now, at least 2-3". With sand, denitrification can happen properly.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Oh no...who talked you into crushed coral? Live sand would have been a much better choice. The crushed coral causes nitrate problems unless you clean it, and coraline algae will grow on it and make it look dirty. Critters that are beneficial to your tank cannot be kept and will not inhabit the CC. If it's not too late, you might consider swapping out to aragonite sand now, at least 2-3". With sand, denitrification can happen properly.
Well, we rinsed the 10lbs of crushed coral before adding it and then topped it with 20lbs live sand.
Should we have added more sand?
The bag we used recommended a base of crushed coral underneath the sand.