Hi all .. its a sad day here .. i have a 30 gal reef ...had 2 perc clowns a scooter blenny and a mandarin .. well the clown had gotten ick .. i went to a lfs and asked for meds for salt water fish they gave me quick cure and said it would do the trick .. i asked it it was going to hurt the fish and i was told no .. well after following the instructions for 2 days all my fish are dead .. all that is left is a blue devil damsel my snails and hermits my pink tip anemone and my feather duster .. so i guess this could be a warning .. dont use quick cure ..
BY all :(
since the meds didnt work .. how do i get rid of the parasite and not kill off everything else ..i am setting up my 10 gal with water from my 55 (not the tank with ick) would it be ok to transfer all the live rock and others to that tank so as to clean out the 30 gal .. any advice would be great thanks all


I wouldn't move anything to another tank at this point, all you will do is transfer the parasite to a new tank.
What I would do is add or replace the carbon in your filter. Then replace it again in 2 days. This will help remove any remaining meds in the tank. I think a water change is in order too.
Be careful not to cross-contaminate your tanks. All equipment that you use must be cleaned thoroughly before using in another tank. Hydrometers, gravel vacs, tubing, even your hands! You can use a bleach and water mix to disinfect any equipment, just make sure you rinse like mad and soak in dechlorinator before using again.


Sorry to hear about that... I lost everything in my 35 gallon FOWLR last summer to a heater malfunction so I know how heartbreaking it is.
Lesson learned - don't blindly trust the LFS guys (I've been there, done that too)... I have always gotten much better advice here.
Hoping the rest of your tank recovers.
thanks all .. i also hope my anemone survives .. it looks good so far . i spoke with the lfs guy and he refusues to take even the slightest of responsibility for what happened even though he did say that i was given the wrong meds he said that the meds i did use wouldnt kill my fish .. so i am back to the drawing board so to speak but thanks everyone


I don't want to be acussed of siding with an lfs person but....... there is a good chance the ick killed you fish, not the meds you bought. I've been there, too. I was using GreenX, didn't do anything but make my water green for a few hours. All my fish died but I'm pretty sure it was from ick, not GreenX.
Your original post indicated you still have a surviving blue damsel. H/she may be infected. I wouldn't start the "clock" on when you can reintroduce fish, free of the ick threat, until you quarantine him and he remains ick-free or he dies(I'm not wishing for this).
i thought that to mut only 1 of my fish had any signs of ick when i started the meds .. ididnt at the time have a Qt tank but i do now .. and i used water from an already cycled 55 gal tank .. i did all the tests and all is well so i am going to slowly acclimate the remain fish into the qt tank and treat him/her from there and i was also told i believe from this board that i should leave my tank fish free for like 4-6 wks to insure all ick is dead .. is that right ?


Yes, 4 to 6 weeks of no fish is standard. If you're going to err, error on the long side of that to be sure you won't have new fish infected. I think I waited about 2 months....but part of that was I just couldn't decide what I wanted to buy.
Glad you have a Q-tank. Will you be treating your remaining fish with hypo-salinity or copper? If you're not sure, there's lots of good info that's been provided lately on both methods. Try a search on the'll get a huge amount of info.
All the best!


sorry to hear your loss..
not a good lesson to have huh?..
it's very sad that your fish died on you..
i know how you feel..i was just like that..
just take your time....