It's ALWAYS Something!

I have learned so much in this hobby over the last 4 months and I have finally come to the conclusion that something is always going to happen. I admittedly came on here after buying way too many fish at the beginning (and was bashed for it) but corrected my wrong doing the best I could and went from there. I even gave fish away to better homes than I could give them. Then I learned my skimmer was not top notch so I researched and bought 2 of the best HOB skimmers out there. I've maintained pristine water conditions for my FOWLR tank and did scheduled water changes as needed. I also had the bad ick outbreak at the beginning due to not QT a tang and did a very successful hyposalinity treatment and made it through that without any losses. I finally got my 72 back up and running for the last month and everything has been great. UNTIL brother stopped by to check on the fish and calls me at work to tell me the news. My HUGE Condy anemone which I have had since the beginning and has tripled in size decided to take a stroll and end up getting shredded by my modded maxi jet. The anemone has not moved in the 3 months he was there and I have not changed anything lately so I don't know why. I spot fed him also. Now before I get the you should have used a prefilter let me inform you that I had one! I had made a custom one from some filter media I had and it has been on the maxi jet for over a month. Apparently when it climbed onto the powerhead the prefilter somehow came apart (I had glued a flat piece together to make a circle over the mod kit) and it sucked him in. Tank was cloudy and he told me he saw 2 confirmed dead fish. I got him to add 2 huge bags of carbon and dose the tank with amquel. I'm stuck at work and can't get home until around 8am. I'm just hoping for the best. Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent.


Kinda like life, huh?
As the Great
Roseanne Rosanadanna once said, "If it's not one thing, it's another thing."
Or as I've been saying for years. "Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you!
Think on the bright side, you could have invested everything you have with Bernie Madoff.
At least you've got a job that allows you to post on SWF while at work.
Let's make this a thread of one line profundities!
Everyone feel free to add! We'll cheer the guy up.
That is very true. I am still holding out hope that only the ones he told me have died and my tangs are still ok. My day will be decided when I get home.
I'm sick to my stomach. My powder blue is on his side and probably isn't going to make it. I lost my coral beauty, flame hawk, pearly jawfish and one of my huge skunk cleaner shrimp. I just did a 50% water change, serviced the skimmer, added 2 bubble bars to help with oxygen and we will just see. I have the cash to replace all the fish but the act of losing them has me pretty upset. It's just fish, I know...but it's been a hard week at work too. Oh well.
Originally Posted by T316
all of this lost from the anemone getting into the powerhead

Absolutely. The water was crystal clear when I left for work Tuesday night. The Condy was probably 8-10 inches in diameter. It got completely shredded and turned the entire tank cloudy. Big ammonia spike.


Active Member
Wow...that's a big hit, sorry dude.
Just for clarification, I think I understand your media prefilter design, and even though that came off, isn't there still a plastic housing around the ph that protects the propeller blade? That's how my Tunze's are, and I don't have any prefilter. If this is the case, are you saying he still got sucked thru the slots on the housing, chew him up and sent him out? This makes me a little nervous. One of my anemone's climbed the wall the other day and got within about a foot of the tunze. He never touched it, but I fiqured the plastic housing would keep them from getting sucked
Originally Posted by T316
Wow...that's a big hit, sorry dude.
Just for clarification, I think I understand your media prefilter design, and even though that came off, isn't there still a plastic housing around the ph that protects the propeller blade? That's how my Tunze's are, and I don't have any prefilter. If this is the case, are you saying he still got sucked thru the slots on the housing, chew him up and sent him out? This makes me a little nervous. One of my anemone's climbed the wall the other day and got within about a foot of the tunze. He never touched it, but I fiqured the plastic housing would keep them from getting sucked
Yeah lost $450 worth of livestock. Yes you are correct...I have the sureflow mod on that maxijet. It has the plastic housing around it and had a prefilter also. I would have to say the chances in this happening are probably somewhere around the same odds as winning the lottery. From what I can tell it managed to suck 90% of him into the propeller. I found the very bottom of the foot and the upper part of that was chewed all to pieces. I found shredded parts of the anemone all over the tank. I guess what happened was he got to close and the powerhead pulled his tentacles in and ground them away and slowly shredded his foot (once it got to it) until the last piece left was too large or firm to fit through the small hole. I swear the hole exposed on the powerhead is fairly small.
Originally Posted by T316
Did the Powder Blue make it?
Nope. He was lying on his side when I got there. I put him on the bubble bar for a few hours where he finally died.
I had a great healthy pig eating non aggressive powder blue and lost him to this.


Active Member
Well, not sure what else you could have done, unless you had been right there looking at the tank when it happened. Tough loss I know.